I have misread nothing, Debra. I directly quoted a Supreme Court Decision. Your continued denial of the obvious only serves to make you look more incompetent. Your continued ducking of the question that disproves your nonsense speaks volumes.
You misread the case. You do not possess the requisite base of knowledge and intellectual skill to read the case from beginning to end and understand it as a whole. You're unwilling to educate yourself and you're arrogant in your ignorance. It is obvious that you belong to the Sarah Palin school of thought: If you can see the courthouse from your car window as you drive by, that makes you an expert in constitutional law, criminal law, landmark child pornography jurisprudence, statutory interpretation, public policy, and legislative intent.
I did not "duck" your argument. I addressed it directly. Again, you did not understand the underlying basis for the Court's holding. Instead, you focused on
obiter dictum to argue that the state may criminalize possession for the purpose of encouraging possessors to destroy the materials, and if the material is thus destroyed, the CONTENT of the material cannot be misused in the future by potential seducers of children. Although the Court noted possible fringe benefits that may flow from "encouraging" the destruction of child pornography by possessors, that was not the basis of the Court's decision in Osborne. In case there was any doubt in your mind, the Court clearly and unambiguously rejected your argument in the Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition case. I provided you with the hyperlink to the case.
Occom Bill wrote:According you; charging a Teen with underage alcohol consumption, to reduce the occurrence of underage alcohol consumption would be an "absurd result."
Again, you have created a straw man. I did not argue that the government could not prohibit persons from committing status offenses, e.g., underage consumption of alcohol. Possessing child pornography is not a status offense. You are comparing two different animals.
Quote:Common sense, Ohio Statute 2907.323, the Prosecutor, Supreme Court Justice White and the majority of the highest Court in the land all disagree.
You're lying.
The prosecutor in the Ohio matter under discussion abused his power and violated the public trust. The facts and the law support my interpretation of the statute. Again, you're taking lessons from Sarah "Abuse of Power" Palin. When Palin read a report that stated she had abused her power and violated the code of ethics, Palin stated the report cleared her of any misconduct whatsoever. She's a liar and so are you.