BillRM wrote:Well my friend we turn to insults do we!
I'm left with no choice when you repeat nonsense that's already been demonstrated nonsense.
BillRM wrote:In any case, there is no question in my mind that the Ohio lawmakers did not intend to place children in harm way of legal charges for the crime of taking pictures of their own bodies and sharing it with boyfriends or girlfriends.

Proving you're too lazy or stupid to learn the pictures weren't just sent to a boyfriend or girlfriend. WTF would it take to get you to read the thread
before repeatedly opining from such total ignorance?
BillRM wrote:What is even worst is that this poor child is a ward of the state and as such, the state is supposed to had acted in a parent role to this child!

That is completely irrelevant in the eyes of the law as far as determining charges. What kind of a moron would want a law that exempted certain people accused of child-sex related crimes from prosecution based on the accused perp's family life? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Any and all extenuating circumstances and considerations can be examined at plea bargaining, trial, and sentencing stages; but only a complete idiot would want exemptions written into the statutes.
BillRM wrote:I tell you what when the state of Ohio legal system begin to drag middle class and the above children off to face such charges and the lawmakers do not meet in emergency session to change the law, then I will grant you some credit to your stupid position that the law was intended by the lawmakers to be enforce in such a manner.

Perhaps, when and if a child from a middleclass background or above, who has already been warned first by this very Prosecutor, then again in a
personal face to face meeting, chooses to ignore both warnings, both regarding this specific crime, and goes ahead and does it anyway, you'll get your wish. In the mean time; there has only been one such perpetrator that we’re aware of.
BillRM wrote:And no matter how you look at it this is legal child abuse.

Only in the eyes of a complete moron. Most people recognize that two warnings not to commit a specific crime or you'll be prosecuted means you shouldn't commit that crime unless you want to be prosecuted. Most people have enough brains to recognize warnings of law enforcement would mean absolutely nothing in the absence of law enforcement. Those who can't understand such simple principles will never be in a position to change the outcome anyway. You are a waste of time.