Teenage Girl: Sex Offender?

Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2009 08:00 pm
It's quite obvious that you were arguing that; it doesn't need to be stated. However, that's not what everybody else was arguing. Including the creator of this thread.

I think the opinion that these charges are far too severe is more prevalent than you seem to think.

I personally think it is far too severe. Of course, I am not familiar with the details of this case, such as if the minors that she distributed the picture to were willing recipients or not. If they were, in my opinion, this is a not very serious offense. I think the girl's parents should punish her, but I don't think she should get punished by the law for doing something that many teens likely do.

What happened to the days when the worst thing teens had to worry about was their parents finding out what they are up to?
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 02:25 pm
BlueAwesomeness wrote:

It's quite obvious that you were arguing that; it doesn't need to be stated. However, that's not what everybody else was arguing. Including the creator of this thread.

I think the opinion that these charges are far too severe is more prevalent than you seem to think.

I personally think it is far too severe. Of course, I am not familiar with the details of this case, such as if the minors that she distributed the picture to were willing recipients or not. If they were, in my opinion, this is a not very serious offense. I think the girl's parents should punish her, but I don't think she should get punished by the law for doing something that many teens likely do.

What happened to the days when the worst thing teens had to worry about was their parents finding out what they are up to?
I don't remember the days when taking pornographic pictures of minors and sending them to other minors was A-OK... and wouldn't wax nostalgic about them if indeed there ever were such days.

The simple facts of the case are: It was settled out of court with none of the doomsayers predicted consequences coming to fruition. The girl is not on a sex-offenders list, probably learned her lesson and in the process, served as an example for the no doubt 100’s of kids who were also warned not to participate in such illegal activities, and followed along to see if the Law did indeed have teeth. Kenneth Oswald, the Licking County Prosecutor, made his point by further emphasizing the need for kids to take care in what they do (for their own sake) and demonstrated that there will be consequences for those who intentionally flaunt the law. Good on him.

Not only was there no great out-pouring of condemnation as predicted; Kenneth Oswald remains the Licking County Prosecutor and remains in good standing. Case closed and hopefully some lessons learned.

If I'm a parent in Licking County Ohio; I applaud Mr. Oswald's commitment to duty and appreciate the fact that he went well out of his way before, during and after this particular case to put both my children and other's children (who might otherwise have been tempted to send my child pornographic images) on notice that this behavior is unacceptable. Good on him for doing his job… and a job well done at that.
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 06:27 pm
I don't see your point Bill. I thought you were an atheist.

I didn't know you were a good little Christian of the puritan wing. Do you have curtains round the piano legs?
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 06:38 pm
If I'm a parent in Licking County Ohio; I applaud Mr. Oswald's commitment to duty and appreciate the fact that he went well out of his way before, during and after this particular case to put both my children and other's children (who might otherwise have been tempted to send my child pornographic images) on notice that this behavior is unacceptable. Good on him for doing his job… and a job well done at that.

Occom Bill:

On another thread, you have informed us that you are now stepping forward in life into a new foray. It's an exciting adventure that will lead you down many unexpected paths that will undoubtedly require enormous flexibility in your thought processes. As you take that journey, the workings of your mind will be rewired. I'm not the same person today that I was before I went to law school. Way back then, I might have agreed with your posts from the perspective of a parent. Today I can't.

I wish you the best as you pursue your new profession.

Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 07:41 pm
Amazing that any one could support applying a law design to punish people who produce pictures of child rape and abuse or those who trade in such pictures with a 17 year old gril sharing a picture of herself with a boyfriend.

Anyone who can state that a law design to punish people who are one way or another involve in sexually abusing children down to the age of infants to this young lady is as sick in his or her own way as those who produce or enjoy child porn in my opinion.

Yes we sure did teach that young lady a lesson on how sick this society can be especially when we can get off harming a defenseless child using the law as the weapon and pounding our chests at how we taught those evil doers a lesson.

Oh Bill please take note no teenager with a parent was harm just one that is being rasie by the state.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:12 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

If I'm a parent in Licking County Ohio; I applaud Mr. Oswald's commitment to duty and appreciate the fact that he went well out of his way before, during and after this particular case to put both my children and other's children (who might otherwise have been tempted to send my child pornographic images) on notice that this behavior is unacceptable. Good on him for doing his job… and a job well done at that.

Occom Bill:

On another thread, you have informed us that you are now stepping forward in life into a new foray. It's an exciting adventure that will lead you down many unexpected paths that will undoubtedly require enormous flexibility in your thought processes. As you take that journey, the workings of your mind will be rewired. I'm not the same person today that I was before I went to law school. Way back then, I might have agreed with your posts from the perspective of a parent. Today I can't.
At 40 years old, I doubt I'm going to feel any differently when I grow up. No doubt, professionally, we would have been happy to go to the mat defending her if she had done this in Milwaukee (probably even pro bono, just for the publicity)... but that doesn't change the simple fact that she broke a law that was repeatedly explained to her both in a group and one-on-one warning setting. It is inconceivable that she could have been unaware of the potential consequences of her behavior, even as she did it. The knee-jerk reactions demonstrated here showed zero understanding or respect for the laws of the land.

Debra Law wrote:
I wish you the best as you pursue your new profession.

Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:16 pm
BillRM wrote:

Amazing that any one could support applying a law design to punish people who produce pictures of child rape and abuse or those who trade in such pictures with a 17 year old gril sharing a picture of herself with a boyfriend.
What is amazing is that anyone would continue to post from such ignorance, without even a clue what they are talking about. The girl wasn't 17, and didn't just send a picture of herself to her boyfriend. Were that the case; I'd might be inclined to agree with you. It wasn't the case... and your continued perversion of the facts mostly serve to make you look like an idiot.

BillRM wrote:
Anyone who can state that a law design to punish people who are one way or another involve in sexually abusing children down to the age of infants to this young lady is as sick in his or her own way as those who produce or enjoy child porn in my opinion.
The law was altered just a few years ago to specifically address people her age, you moron. Read the thread before further demonstrating your idiocy.

BillRM wrote:
Yes we sure did teach that young lady a lesson on how sick this society can be especially when we can get off harming a defenseless child using the law as the weapon and pounding our chests at how we taught those evil doers a lesson.
Pure idiocy. Teenagers commit crimes and misdemeanors. Adults with the ability to reason like adults recognize this simple truth.

Speeding is dangerous, regardless of the age of the perpetrator. Murder is deadly, regardless of the age of the perpetrator. Creating and distributing child porn to children is harmful, regardless of the age of the perpetrator. If you had your demented way; every boy with a cell-phone camera could send pictures of their manhood to other kids with impunity. Fortunately, District Attorney Oswald doesn’t suffer from your demented brand of idiocy.

Every society draws lines that cannot be crossed without consequences. While the day won’t come that people agree on just where those lines should be drawn; most recognize the need for legal boundaries… and it is nonetheless the duty of District Attorney’s to enforce the lines that are duly drawn by the laws of our land. This particular DA went very far out of his way to curb the offending behavior prior to resorting to traditional law enforcement measures. For this, you classify him with the scumbag creators of child porn? Your opinion says a lot more about you than it does him. Namely, that you are an idiot.

BillRM wrote:
Oh Bill please take note no teenager with a parent was harm just one that is being rasie by the state.
Who is responsible for her guardianship is wholly irrelevant to whether or not her actions constituted a crime. No one with half a brain in their head would want the statutes written any other way. You demonstrate an utter inability to reason with such ridiculous statements. Not sure why I waste my time responding to such inanity.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:22 pm
)... but that doesn't change the simple fact that she broke a law that was repeatedly explained to her both in a group and one-on-one warning setting. It is inconceivable that she could have been unaware of the potential consequences of her behavior, even as she did it. The knee-jerk reactions demonstrated here showed zero understanding or respect for the laws of the land.

Law can be used to coerce people into desired behavior, but only to a limited point. Law is not useful for changing morality, and law is not well suited for highly emotional human endeavours, like for instance sex.

Your understanding of law is clearly immature, so you are in no position to throw stones. In order for law to work well it must be respected by the citizens. Absent that law can be made to work to some degree by ramping up the punishments so that even when the law is not respected the policing of the law is. However, when it comes to sex the punishments must be so outrageously extreme if they are to change behaviuour that the authorities who create and enforce the laws discredit themselves. This is where the prosecutors who charge kids for sending nudie pics of themselves now find themselves.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 06:35 pm
Yeah. Looking either ridiculous or loving spending their days obsessing about under age girls, talking about them, thinking about them and generally trying to sound righteous while focussing their minds upon them night and day.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 07:41 pm
spendius wrote:

Yeah. Looking either ridiculous or loving spending their days obsessing about under age girls, talking about them, thinking about them and generally trying to sound righteous while focussing their minds upon them night and day.
Your attempt to impugn those who would do away with kiddie porn with the obsessions of the sicko creators and apologists for same is as sophomoric as it is asinine. You sir are an asshole.

That Hawkeye, A2K's resident misogynist/rapist/child-sex-promoter, disagrees with any attempt to curb the flow of kiddie-porn surprises me not at all. He is, after all, well known for being a sick bastard. You do yourself no favors by volunteering to be counted with his demented ilk.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 10:29 pm
That Hawkeye, A2K's resident misogynist/rapist/child-sex-promoter, disagrees with any attempt to curb the flow of kiddie-porn surprises me not at all. He is, after all, well known for being a sick bastard. You do yourself no favors by volunteering to be counted with his demented ilk.

That you equate teen sexual expression with kiddie porn surprises me not all all, you being very thick between the ears and all. At some point people like you need to let go, let people be people, even though life is messy and real people like sex. The Puritanism that you represent is offensive.
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Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 04:46 am
That Hawkeye, A2K's resident misogynist/rapist/child-sex-promoter, disagrees with any attempt to curb the flow of kiddie-porn surprises me not at all.

Where? I've never seen any "flow of kiddie-porn". There's none in my orbits.
Debra Law
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 11:17 am
At 40 years old, I doubt I'm going to feel any differently when I grow up.

But you're never too old to learn and you have expressed an interest in learning. Even at the age of 40, you are not all the way "grown up" and you never will be because life never quits teaching. Several years from now after you've assisted your new boss to work on hundreds of matters which affect other people's lives in significant ways, you will discover that there has indeed been an evolution in your thinking.

"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:43 pm
Where? I've never seen any "flow of kiddie-porn". There's none in my orbits.

Don't trouble yourself , Occom Bill does not agree with me on a few things, and like any eight year old boy he feels the need to personally vilify me as a result.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 12:50 pm
It's no trouble hawk. There is no "flow of kiddie-porn". Media just blow up a few isolated cases because they like talking about it too.

That needs straightening out because if not some people might think there is and the villification of men continues unabated and unchallenged.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 01:03 pm
in the US there is a secret agency in Washington staffed with department of Defense employees and spooks who go after Internet Kiddie porn, they have been so successful that it has been almost completely eliminated. They are now working on those who trade pics in files which are never put up on a web page, and from what I hear having success with that as well.

If there is no Kiddie Porn problem to speak of then stomping on individual rights claiming all the while to be in the right because Kiddie Porn is such an evil problem does not wash. It is using fear and intimidation in the attempt to get what one wants, a tactic that both the Bush administration and Ocoom Bill know well and use(d) often.
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 08:04 pm
@Debra Law,
"GWB's mind, once stretched by one new idea, never regained its original dimensions. Now it's just a bigger empty space." -- JTT.
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Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2011 05:52 pm
Treat this person like a person.

What does a person learn from punishment?

1. Don't get caught.
2. ... ... I guess we'll just hope they learn the reason why what they did was bad if they sit there long enough in a cell and then subsequently ruin any chance of them having a respectable and civil reputation or life within our society in the future.

Hip hip, hooray.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Feb, 2011 08:34 pm
@Debra Law,
There are many young people who have serious emotional problems. In this case, she did not harm anyone but herself. IMO she should be sentenced to therapy so that she can determine why she chose to do what she did.
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