@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Obama may be "young and inexperienced," but McCain's physical and mental health is in question. Most respondents say McCain's physical health is a big issue because of his age, and feel he will not be able to last through the first four years. Many also question his mental health; his outbursts, temper, and inconsistencies are troublesome. On the other hand, most feel Obama's health is not an issue,
Yes, smoking has been proven not to shorten anyones life span.
Quote:and his intellect is not in question.
At least not by his supporters, or by ci. And we must all admit he knows there are 57 states and that 10,000 people died in Greenesburg, KS, which he should know since he has connections to Kansas.
Quote:McCain's choice of Palin shows his judgment is poor to non-existent.
And Obama's choice of Biden shows he has the utmost of balanced judgement, after all he picked a guy that never says anything wrong or is a loose cannon.
Quote: His flip-flops during the past two weeks in how he reacted to the bailout legislation show he has no direction or answers to the financial crisis. What he has suggested sounds more liberal than conservative.
Right, and Obama has shown a total command of the solutions by proposing higher taxes and another trillion dollars of spending. Also, Obama has worked in poor neighborhoods, he understands the poor, after all, his friends are slum lords, using taxpayer dollars in attempts to lift up the poor. Also, he understands that ACORN is the answer to giving the voiceless a voice, such as nonexistent persons, illegals, dead people, ficticious people, all of which are being oppressed by the rich ruling class.
Quote:McCain = questionable mental and physical health.
Obama = good physical health and mental acuity.
Appearances and evidence counts - or should, when we elect our president.
Right on, ci, Obama is better looking (according to ci, not according to okie), he can play basketball, and he will fight for us, the oppressed downtrodden working class. McCain doesn't even know how many houses his wife owns. At least Obama knows how much land that Rezko sold him for almost nothing.