@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Finn, You'll never understand the Ayers issue whether your life depended on it.
Ayers is a professor in Chicago. His accomplishment in education far exceeds anything you have ever done or accomplished as a citizen of this country.
Obama was eight years old when Ayers was active during the Vietnam war period.
Since then, Ayers have been active in positive aspects for America, and have been recognized by both republicans and democrats for his contributions.
It's too spacial for you.
You seem to love usage of "spacial." What do you think it means, and from what left-wing blog did you clip it?
"Obama was eight years old..."
Clearly you are on the distribution list of the Obama Campaign's talking point e-mails.
What difference does it make how old he was when Ayers was bombing the Pentagon?
I appreciate that you, as a soldier in the Obamarmy, are happy to trot this immaterial fact out whenever Ayers' name is mentioned, but do you actually argue that it has any relevance beyond obvious deflection?
Someone commits a crime before you or I are born.
Does this mean that any interaction which we might have with the miscreant should not take into consideration his past crimes?
By this logic, anyone who was a child when Eric Rudolph was bombing abortion clinics and Olympic parks, shouldn't take those crimes into consideration if and when they associate themselves with him as adults.
In other words if Adolph Eichmann has not been executed, you and I who were either young children or not born when he implemented Hitler's Final Solution might feel morally free to particpate with him on a community project?
The childish nature of your ad hominem attacks could not be better illustrated than by this comment:
Quote:His accomplishment in education far exceeds anything you have ever done or accomplished as a citizen of this country.
So's your Old Man!
And so you are not only defending the domestic terrorist William Ayers, you are celebrating him.