Acorn Voter Fraud Investigation Expands to 10 States

Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 01:12 pm

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Type: Discussion • Score: 7 • Views: 5,085 • Replies: 40
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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 01:17 pm
Why am I not surprised by this activity as well as the fact that Obama supports will approve of Acorns actions.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 01:20 pm
Approve of my foot. That first bailout bill? The one that crashed and burned? It was packed with enormous funding for Acorn among other things, courtesy of the Democrats.

When will our fearless leaders wake up and start seeing what is right in front of their noses. Acorn is not a non-partisan get-out-the-vote organization. It is a branch of the Democratic Party and exists to sign up anybody they can find who will vote Democrat.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 01:23 pm
So you agree. Obama supporters will approve of Acorns actions?
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:06 pm
Take notice that a large portion of A2K is ignoring this very important thread. It's not surprising at all. Oboy.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:15 pm
Of course Obama supports will not address this issue. They approve of it!

I expect a few will post some colorful statements.
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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:16 pm
Acorn does sign up Republicans too, yaknow.

I suppose that doesn't fit into your pathetic meme, though.

Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:18 pm
Sure they do. I am SURE they make a real effort to go to predominately republican neighborhoods and sign them all up. Rolling Eyes
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:19 pm
What do you know about it, Woiyo?


It's just a convenient way for you to try and score political points, is all.

Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:21 pm
I am waiting for Acorn to come to my neighborhood and sign me up. Should I wat under a street lamp dress in a disheveled manner and act drunk? Maybe then they will notice me.
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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 02:27 pm
Woiyo9 wrote:

So you agree. Obama supporters will approve of Acorns actions?

Well they won't admit it of course. They'll deny they have anything to do with it. But I bet a lot of flies on the wall know better. (I wonder how many Republicans Obama went out of his way to work with during his community organizer days?)
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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 03:03 pm
So you agree. Obama supporters will approve of Acorns actions?

I'm an Obama supporter, but I don't support any action by any group which is illegal.

That having been said, I don't know what ACORN is and I don't know what they are up to. But if it's illegal they should be stopped. The election should be fair.

Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 03:31 pm
Acknowledged. It would have been more reasonable and fair to say some Obama supporters. I think some of you guys are honestly impressed with the man and are voting for him because you are impressed and for no other reason and I believe you when you say you want nothing but an honest election.

But it does seem like the duplicate and fradulent registrations tend to strongly favor Democrats and you would think Obama would be stepping up to the plate and making a public appeal for that kind of nonsense to cease and desist. This morning on TV they were covering this and showed the same name/handwriting/pen used for signature on ten voter registrations using varying addresses and phone numbers. This was the work of ACORN.

We're already taking odds on how many dead people will vote in New Mexico in this election cycle.

Not funny I know. But the people should know that their vote does count and that elections are transparent, above board, and honest. The more this kind of crap happens with groups like ACORN et al, the less confidence we can have in the integrity of our government.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 06:12 pm
rosborne979 wrote:

I'm an Obama supporter, but I don't support any action by any group which is illegal.

That having been said, I don't know what ACORN is and I don't know what they are up to. But if it's illegal they should be stopped. The election should be fair.

Who is ACORN?

ACORN is the nation’s largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country. Since 1970, ACORN has been building community organizations that are committed to social and economic justice, and won victories on thousands of issues of concern to our members, through direct action, negotiation, legislative advocacy and voter participation. ACORN helps those who have historically been locked out become powerful players in our democratic system.

Community organizing: Each of the 1,200 local ACORN neighborhood chapters in 110 cities and 40 states brings neighbors together to work for stronger, safer and more just communities.

Issue campaigns: Each ACORN office carries out multiple issue campaigns. ACORN members across the country work to raise the minimum wage or enact living wage policies; eliminate predatory financial practices by mortgage lenders, payday lenders, and tax preparation companies; win the development of affordable housing and community benefits agreements; improve the quality of and funding for urban public schools; rebuild New Orleans; and pass a federal and state ACORN Working Families Agenda, including paid sick leave for all full time workers.

A recent study shows that our issue campaign victories have delivered approximately $15 billion in direct monetary benefits to our membership and constituency over the past 10 years.

Service delivery: ACORN and its allied organizations provide extensive services to our members and constituency. These include free tax preparation focusing on the Earned Income Tax Credit; screening for eligibility for federal and state benefit programs; and, through the ACORN Housing Corporation, first time homeowner mortgage counseling and foreclosure prevention assistance, and low income housing development.

Ballot initiatives: ACORN-backed ballot-initiative campaigns in 2006 helped raise the minimum wage in Ohio, Arizona, Missouri and Colorado, working with community-faith-labor coalitions on successful campaigns in each state.

Voter participation: Since 2004, ACORN has helped more than 1.7 million low- and moderate-income and minority citizens apply to register to vote.

ACORN is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C. To maintain independence, ACORN does not accept government funding and is not tax exempt.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 06:34 pm
There's enough in there to convict the entire lot and get them all behind bars, preferably in a state where prisoners can't vote. And with this overwhelming evidence, convictions should come before November.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 06:40 pm
I owe you an apology for last night.

This is the best place, (less PMs) cuz I won't feel the need to do the same for the shooter...
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 06:44 pm
No, you don't, Rockhead. I took no umbrage. I had assumed too much, a greater degree of familiarity than there was and I was flippant in a situation that I didn't actually understand.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 06:46 pm
JTT wrote:

There's enough in there to convict the entire lot and get them all behind bars, preferably in a state where prisoners can't vote. And with this overwhelming evidence, convictions should come before November.

If there are convictions for criminal wrong doing, then I agree with the toss-em behind bars crowd. But from where I sit, it looks like another smear job meant to restrict voter access to the polls.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 07:04 pm
But what a tangled web we weave. Tempest in a teapot for Obama? Perhaps. But it is the story the mainstream media has sure been tiptoeing around.

Inside Today's Bulletin
From Little ACORNs Grow Big Scandals
By Michael P. Tremoglie, The Bulletin

A community organization, with longstanding ties to Barack Obama, has, according to numerous reports, repeatedly run afoul of voter registration laws both locally and nationally.

Mr. Obama worked for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now's Project Vote voter-registration campaign in 1992 after graduating from Harvard Law School. He directed a successful voter-registration campaign, credited with electing Carol Moseley-Braun to the U.S. Senate. Primarily targeting African-Americans, Mr. Obama's efforts added an estimated 125,000 voters to the rolls.

He also participated on a team of attorneys working on behalf of ACORN. They filed a 1995 lawsuit, which required the state of Illinois to implement the federal "motor-voter" bill. He still maintains a relationship with the organization. Mr. Obama's campaign had to file amended federal election reports in August. They paid more than $800,000 to Citizens Services Inc. (CSI), an ACORN subsidiary, to turn out for the campaign during the primaries. However, the campaign listed CSI's activities as polling, advance work and staging major events.

ACORN has a checkered past - and present. It is a grassroots political organization founded by Wade Rathke and George Wiley, both of whom were community organizers for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO).
That checkered past also has turned up locally.

Philadelphia election officials recently accused ACORN, of filing multiple fraudulent voter registrations during the 2008 Pennsylvania primary. The case has been referred to the U.S. Attorney's office, according to Philadelphia Deputy Election Commissioner Fred Voight.

Delaware County election officials have made similar allegations against the group, and criminal indictments are pending.

This past July 24, Dauphin County detectives offered a $2,000 reward for information about the whereabouts of Luis R. Torres-Serrano, an ACORN worker, who was accused of submitting more than 100 fraudulent voter registrations.
ACORN's legal problems with their voter registration efforts stretch beyond state boundaries.

The Milwaukee district attorney is investigating 39 ACORN employees for criminal violations, including offering gifts to sign up voters and falsifying driver's license numbers, Social Security numbers or other information on voter registration cards.

Five ACORN employees were convicted and imprisoned in Washington state, in 2007, for what was described by Washington's Secretary of State Sam Reed, as, "was the worst case of election fraud in our state's history. It was an outrage."

"(ACORN) Workers ... said they were under pressure from the community-organizing group that hired them to sign up more voters," The Seattle Times reported . "Workers told investigators they went to the Seattle public library and filled out the voter registration forms, by using contrived names, addresses and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book."

Numerous ACORN-related indictments and, or convictions, have been seeded across the country in recent years.
Four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter registration fraud in November 2006. Two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service, in January 2005, for submitting false voter registrations.

During the 2004 election, ACORN, and its sister group Project Vote, ran a nationwide voter mobilization drive that was rife with allegations of voter fraud. A worker for one ACORN affiliate in Ohio was allegedly given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and voters named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. Four Ohio ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms.

Messrs. Rathke and Wiley formed ACORN in the early 1970s, expanding their involvement beyond welfare recipients to all issues touching low-income and working-class people. According to Discoverthenetworks.org, they enlisted civil rights workers and trained them in a program at Syracuse University patterned after the Saul Alinsky school of activist tactics in Chicago.

Today, ACORN is the largest community organization of low- and moderate-income people in America, with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country.

ACORN founded the Working Families Party in New York in 1998. They endorsed Hillary Clinton for her Senate campaign that year. Canvassers from ACORN and its sister groups launched a statewide voter-mobilization drive that proved influential in Mrs. Clinton's victory.
Yet, opponents say ACORN has violated its own mission not to mention numerous laws meant to protect poor and working class citizens and voters.

The New York Times reported in July 2008 that a whistleblower forced the organization to publicly disclose an embezzlement of almost $1 million in 1999 and 2000, involving Dale Rathke, the brother of the organization's founder Wade Rathke.

Some ACORN executives kept the information from board members and did not tell law enforcement. Meanwhile, Dale Rathke remained on the payroll until June 2008, when disclosure of his theft forced the organization to dismiss him.

"We thought it best at the time to protect the organization, as well as to get the funds back into the organization, to deal with it in-house," said ACORN President Maude Hurd. "It was a judgment call at the time, and looking back, people can agree or disagree with it, but we did what we thought was right."

The Consumers Rights League spokesman Jim Terry said, "ACORN has a long and sordid history of employing convoluted Enron-style accounting to illegally use taxpayer funds for their own political gain. Now it looks like ACORN is using the same type of convoluted accounting scheme for Obama's political gain."

ACORN did not respond to requests for a statement. However, they did refer to a statement by Ms. Hurd, in a Sept. 12 press release, saying, "ACORN has NEVER been indicted for voter fraud, violating elections laws or encouraging ineligible citizens to vote."

Michael P. Tremoglie can be reached at [email protected]


Obama denies any links to ACORN but he
can't shake his own admission that he
worked for Project Vote.

ACORN is the agency where Sen. Barack Obama worked as a trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN), whose affiliate, Project Vote, is known for voter fraud. It is this same organization from which a large part of the mortgage mess has grown. After Harvard Law School, Obama provided legal representation for ACORN. Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation which both funneled millions of dollars to ACORN.

In 2006, the Wall Street Journal addressed Acorn Indictments. In a recent article, additional complaints, indictments and arrests and conviction of ACORN members for voter fraud have been detailed for Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington State, and Wisconsin. Democrats on Capitol Hill have steered billions of the taxpayer monies to risky ventures and to nonprofits organizations like ACORN, National Council of La Raza through the government’s Affordable Housing Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund. As a result groups like ACORN have developed powerful lobby groups to secure tax money for their organizations. Now the proposed “agreement in principle” for the $700 Billion “bailout” seeks to continue the protection of this process.

And it is nothing new

The Acorn Indictments (WSJ)
A union-backed outfit faces charges of election fraud. Friday, November 3, 2006 12:01 A.M. EST

So, less than a week before the midterm elections, four workers from Acorn, the liberal activist group that has registered millions of voters, have been indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms to the Kansas City, Missouri, election board. But hey, who needs voter ID laws?

We wish this were an aberration, but allegations of fraud have tainted Acorn voter drives across the country. Acorn workers have been convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado, and investigations are still under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania.

The good news for anyone who cares about voter integrity is that the Justice Department finally seems poised to connect these dots instead of dismissing such revelations as the work of a few yahoos. After the federal indictments were handed up in Kansas City this week, the U.S. Attorney's office said in a statement that "This national investigation is very much ongoing."

Let's hope so. Acorn officials bill themselves as nonpartisan community organizers merely interested in giving a voice to minorities and the poor. In reality, Acorn is a union-backed, multimillion-dollar outfit that uses intimidation and other tactics to push for higher minimum wage mandates and to trash Wal-Mart and other non-union companies.

Operating in at least 38 states (as well as Canada and Mexico), Acorn pushes a highly partisan agenda, and its organizers are best understood as shock troops for the AFL-CIO and even the Democratic Party. As part of the Fannie Mae reform bill, House Democrats pushed an "affordable housing trust fund" designed to use Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac profits to subsidize Acorn, among other groups. A version of this trust fund actually passed the Republican House and will surely be on the agenda again next year.
Acorn and its affiliates have pulled some real stunts in recent years. In Ohio in 2004, a worker for one affiliate was given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and pillars of the community named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. During a Congressional hearing in Ohio in the aftermath of the 2004 election, officials from several counties in the state explained Acorn's practice of dumping thousands of registration forms in their lap on the submission deadline, even though the forms had been collected months earlier.

"You have to wonder what's the point of that, if not to overwhelm the system and get phony registrations on the voter rolls," says Thor Hearne of the American Center for Voting Rights, who also testified at the hearing. "These were Democratic officials saying that they felt their election system in Ohio was under assault by these kinds of efforts to game the system."

Given this history, it's not surprising that Acorn is so hostile to voter identification laws and other efforts to ensure fairness and accuracy at the polls. In Missouri last month, the state Supreme Court held that a photo ID requirement to vote was overly burdensome and a violation of the state constitution. Acorn was behind the original suit challenging the statute, and it has brought similar challenges in several other states, including Ohio.

A recent Pew Research Center survey found that blacks today are almost twice as likely as they were in 2004 to say they have little or no confidence in the voting system. Such a finding would seem like a powerful argument for voter ID laws, which consistently poll well among people of all races and incomes and would increase confidence in the voting process. Of course, voter ID laws would also cut down on fraud, which, judging from the latest indictments, would put a real crimp in Acorn's style.
Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 07:34 pm
Fox, your second link doesn't work, but I found the source of the story -


It's the Arkansas GOP. I don't really think their analysis should be considered 'objective' 'fact-checked' or even 'worth linking to, ever.'


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