I am very much afraid that you don't know what you are talking about when you talkaboutthe Ayres -Obama connection-
l.Dr.Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician who attended an informal get together sponsored by Alice Palmer, a black Illinois State Senator, told Politico. com that Ayres and Obama were FRIENDS. The Boston Globe reported that Maria Warren, editor of Musings and Migranes, said that Ayers and his famous wife Bernanndine Dohrn were introducing Obama and his wife to the Hyde Park political community as "the best thing since sliced bread"
2.Obama launched his political career inAyres and Dohrn's living room in 1995
3. Obama andAyres served together onthe Woods Fund Board FOR THREE YEARS.
4. Ayres participated in thirty bombings, He explained what the Weather Underground was all about--"KILL ALL RICH PEOPLE, BREAK UP THEIR CARS AND APARTMENTS. BRING THE REVOLUTION HOME,KILL YOUR PARENTS, THAT'S WHERE IT'S REALLY AT"
As to Obama'ssuggestion that Ayres is just some professor he happens to know, does he think