Fri 19 Sep, 2003 05:09 am
How did everyone make out in the hurricane? I hope everyone escaped injury to life , limb and property.
I was waiting to see you post. Glad to see that you guys are ok. So, what's the damage report for your parts?
Raleigh hardly got any damage except of course at my house.
After all my jokes about a new pool liner a big tree did come down in my pool and I learn that my homeowners is not going to cover it. There's several thousand down the drain no pun intended.
We have two additional big trees down in our front yard. It's a real mess but thankfully nothing hit the house or any of our vehicles. I'll be busy with the chain saw and landscape trailer the next couple of days. My cubs are already complaining because they know theyll be working in the yard all weekend. The problem is that after a year of severe drought and then the wettest year on record I haven't been able to reseed my yard for two years and we've lost so much topsoil that any little thing will knock a tree over. They're like loose teeth in weak gums.
I don't know why the quinney's are such a magnet for these storms. No one else in my neighborhood has any damage.
Other than that, Raleigh basically was spard anything too bad. A couple of traffice accidents, a few power and cable outages here and there, that's about it. We didn't get anything over 50 mph wind wise and that was not sustained.
My bass player and drummer live in Greenville NC where flooding is always a concern so I'm waiting to hear back from them.
One of my buddies who's a dj and videographer lives at Morehead City, and I spoke to him by phone yesterday during the time the hurricane was hitting them and it was nothing as severe there as they expected either.
Outer Banks didn't make out too well though.
Glad here you are all safe and sound, all we got in Connecticut was rain hardly even a breeze.
Rain started here sometime over-night. It's grey and raining off and on. Not terribly breezy.
Sorry to hear about all the damage Bear. It really sucks that your insurance won't cover the damage to the pool, but I'm glad that you're all ok.
well hell it could be worse...things can always get worse....