Boy Executed For Stealing Snacks

Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 11:50 am
I don't suppose that you are in a large city. The death sentence is meted out there daily by gang bangers. Most of those scum are never tried and if they are, are released almost immediately for "lack of evidence". Get real!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 11:59 am
I believe in the rule of law. I am sure that the shooter will have his day in court.
The jury will decide his guilt or innocence. If you really believe that the defense will not look at any previous record the boys may have had or will not question them intently about their motives for entering a domicile which was not theirs, you don't know very much about the legal system in the USA. Remember, no one is judged guilty until the jury assess guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt.
You do know who OJ Simpson is, don't you? If Mr. Gonzalez has a couple of Latino home owners on his jury, he will never be convicted of anything!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 12:00 pm
You seem to have all of the facts about the crime. Do you have a link?
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 12:03 pm
@Robert Gentel,
No, sire, there is nothing wrong with prosecuting illegal executions--that is, if the jury and the court deem it to be an illegal execution. You see, sir, some people think that OJ Simpson brutally murdered his wife. But the jury did not agree. Let's see what the jury says before we term it an "illegal execution".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 12:07 pm
Of course, the kids were not going to steal a TV set or money from drawers, they only wanted Twinkies. What a laugh. I will wait for the trial testimony and I will bet they were after much more than Twinkies. I can tell you that there is NO hunger in the USA. Did you ever hear of food stamps? Did you ever hear of charity? In the St. Louis schools, children can fill up on nutrious school lunches and breakfasts if they want them. They usually throw away all of the vegetables. Anyone who lives in a city can see hordes of children who are allegedly "poor, deprived and hungry" lined up at the corner candy store before and after school spending some of their parents' welfare checks.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 12:26 pm
SYNRON wrote:

You seem to have all of the facts about the crime. Do you have a link?
You could start by reading the thread before running your mouth. You would have seen this.

You'd also know he was already acquitted.

If you were better versed in law; you’d know “beyond a shadow of a doubt” is a nonsensical parameter that doesn’t exist. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is the law. You’d also know that O.J.’s jury did not necessarily believe that he did not kill his wife. They simply found that there was insufficient evidence for a finding of guilty… that’s not the same thing as “innocent.”

Do tell us how and why you would feel compelled to shoot a 13 year old kid in the back at point blank range. Are you a coward or a would-be murderer? <- If that choice seems unfair; please provide a plausible alternative… tell us why you think it might have been justifiable to shoot the kid in the back.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 01:16 pm
He was already acquitted? Another travesty of Justice. How can these Gonzalez cases and OJSimpson cases in which the perpetrator is clearly guilty go off scott free. And what is this idiotic concept about "insufficient evidence"?

We need a reform of our judicial system. Perhaps some one like you can go to Texas to straighten them out. I personally admired the Gulag system which the Soviets installed. If you were called for an interrogation, you were automatically guilty.

You really ought to let the juries in the various locality alone to come to their considered verdicts before wailing about "injustice" while concealing your anti-gun biases. Either that or go to fix what you think is wrong. Or perhaps, you won't need to. I am sure that President Obama( a la Soviet style) will give a total amnesty to all inner city gang bangers--you see, they are just "hungry" children. Who dare these brutal policemen raise their guns against them.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 01:47 pm

Dave, I value human life much more highly than the state of Texas.

That might be a poor choice, Rocky.

I care more than u do
about what the decedent was DOING
with his life, when it came to an end.
( like employing it in flagrante delictu with a violent felony )

In addition to repelling raids n invasions,
we created government to execute vengeance FOR US.


(here's hoping jury duty escapes you...)

It used to be that attorneys n judges were immune
from jury duty. That was changed a few years ago.
I was called. Before trial the defendant pled guilty to a few crimes,
including burglary n car theft (which rightly shoud be a capital offense).
Tho I dont go LOOKING to serve on juries,
I will freely comply with the law.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 01:54 pm
You are about to set a speed record... fastest from Who? to Ignore. Is this really the depth of conversation you're capable of?
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 02:02 pm
I notice that your ignorance does not allow you to rebut my post where I showed that you are not in possession of the facts. I will continue to eviscerate any posts you put up when they are clearly ignorant. You may not see them but others will.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 02:12 pm
This is not the ONLY Gonzalez who rose to defend his or her home.

There was a lady in Florida, Susan Gonzalez, who feared n detested guns.
She requested her husband not to have any guns in their house,
especially with their children there. One night, 2 criminals broke
down their front door. They entered her home, shot Mrs. Gonzalez twice,
and shot her husband as he lay in his bed.

Franticly, she scrambled to get the OBJECT OF ABHORENCE:
her husband's 9 shot .22 caliber revolver.

She grabbed it up and killed one of the criminals.
The other fled, after she shot him too.
Altho it is possible that the criminals might have allowed
Mrs. Gonzalez' children to live (if they did not care that
the children woud complain to the police and testify against them in court)
for some reason, Mrs. G was not willing to confide the lives of her children
to the discretion of the men who 'd just shot both of their parents.

We need to understand that this attack was STOPPED by
the presence of an UNLOCKED gun in the home.
Without it, the murders of the parents and children probably
would have continued until all the children were dead. That gun
was the INSTRUMENT OF LIFE for the Gonzalez family.

After hospitalization, the Gonzalez recovered from their wounds.
She became a public speaker in support of the right to keep and bear arms,
and takes her .38 Taurus revolver everywhere with her.

Wise is he who learns from his mistakes,
but wiser is he who learns from the mistakes of others.


Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 03:04 pm

There were also some people in Europe who saw themselves as Peacemakers. They were loving people devoted to the Word and to Life. They were systematically gathered up and incinerated.


When enough people in our cities recognize that the law is sometimes incapable of defending them in their own homes, they will become TRAINED in the use of a firearm and keep them in their homes. Many oldsters are alone. There are no children in their houses. They need protection.

I am sure that as a lawyer, you recognize that the first duty of a government--the first duty--is to defend the people against harm.

Don't let the left wing muzzle you. I only fear the oncoming onslaught. Obama will take away our means of defense. I can only hope that his accession to the throne will be short lived.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2008 04:10 pm
I think that all of the people who are not outraged at the decision that there was not enough evidence to find Gonzalez guilty should read the excellent missive by Joe from Chicago. He too, is like Debra Law, and is a partner in a Big Law Firm making 750,000 a year. It is amazing that he can keep up with his workload and then make so many posts on these threads. He must be a genius and those who snicker that he has been seen at 22nd and Roosevelt running up and down the halls defending small time drug dealers, drugs and DUI's are surely wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 02:42 am

There were also some people in Europe who saw themselves as Peacemakers.
They were loving people devoted to the Word and to Life.
They were systematically gathered up and incinerated.


Krystalnacht took place 2 days after the President of the Police of Berlin
announced that the Jews had been disarmed,
as per gun control laws of the 3rd Reich.
Thay were not the first in history to fall victim to that.
The Romans intimidated the Carthaginians into
surrendering their weapons before slaughtering them
and annihilating Carthage. (3rd Punic War; 146 B.C.)
The Turks did the same thing to the Armenians c.1915.
The Mormons did the same thing on Sept. 11, 1847,
intimidating the Fancher-Baker Wagontrain Party
into surrendering their weapons before slaughtering them,
including women n children above age 8.


When enough people in our cities recognize that the law is
sometimes incapable of defending them in their own homes,
they will become TRAINED in the use of a firearm and keep them in their homes. Many oldsters are alone. There are no children in their houses. They need protection.

I armed myself with a .38 revolver at age 8; I 've felt serene n secure since then.
As kids in public school, for the sake of safety, we were required to learn swimming.
Safe, effective and accurate firearms handling shoud be taught in school,
along side arithmetic, history and fonetic spelling.
Every citizen, of every age, has a natural right and a constitutional right
to defend his life and property from violent depredation.

Welcome to the Forum, SYNRON !

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 03:19 pm
Om Sig David--Most of the Liberals on these threads knowNOTHING about Krystalnacht or the Third Punic Wars or the Carthaginians. There has been a great outcry about the Death Penalty in our country. I have pondered the problem for years and I must say that I have slowly come to the conclusion that except in a very very few severe cases, the death penalty should be set aside BUT ONLY, ONLY, if the guilty person is incarcerated for the rest of his life without parole.

I have read too many stories about inner city scumbags being paroled only to kill again. A prominent case, you may recall, OmSig, was the piece of crap who wrote--In the Belly of the Beast. He was defended by the arch LIBERAL, Norman Mailer--who did not know what to say when his protege murdered again after he was released.

Mailer should have said--Evil exists and someone with a rap sheet that is ten yards long has proved he is irremediable( even if the poor lad grew up in "terrible" surroundings) and should be released.

I sometimes wonder, OM Sig, how the millions of immigrants who came here in the first part of the last century prospered, even though their environmental conditions were worse that those the slaves endured in our country in 1865 and before.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 03:33 pm
SYNRON wrote:

Om Sig David--Most of the Liberals on these threads knowNOTHING about Krystalnacht or the Third Punic Wars or the Carthaginians.

For instance I DO know how to write Kristallnacht - and that this term is only used by Nazis. (The correct word for others is November progrom night.)

Like most others, I know only a bit about the Third Punic War and have no idea why it's plural in your response.

Without reflecting or even looking it up, I must admit that just Augustine of Hippo is the first Carthagian who comes in my mind ...
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 05:21 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
If the term is used only by Nazis, Walter Hinteler, you really shouldn't use it.

And, you obviously stopped your study of Ancient History too soon. Augustine was indeed the Bishop of Hippo but that was in 396 AD. The Punic Wars took place about 150 to 250 years before Christ was born. But thank you for the corrections. I appreciate it. I had always heard that the Germans were by far the most intelligent and well schooled people in Europe if not in the world. When I visited that fair country,I was told that repeatedly and now have come to believe it.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:50 pm
Well, you were talking about the Carthagians. And that town existed longer than the fall of Carthage.

No, actually I didn't stop studying Amcient History too soon - unfortunately, it was part of my history study at university - but I must admit that reading Latin and Greek sources hasn't been my greatest pleasure.

Generally, we Germans are as stupid as others. Perhaps even more. Especially we on the left ('Liberals').
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 01:28 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

SYNRON wrote:

Om Sig David--Most of the Liberals on these threads knowNOTHING about Krystalnacht or the Third Punic Wars or the Carthaginians.

For instance I DO know how to write Kristallnacht - and that this term is only used by Nazis. (The correct word for others is November progrom night.)

Like most others, I know only a bit about the Third Punic War and have no idea why it's plural in your response.

Without reflecting or even looking it up, I must admit that just Augustine of Hippo is the first Carthagian who comes in my mind ...

Really? I have always known it as Kristallnacht...perhaps the other name is what people in Germany call it, or has the usage changed generally worldwide?

Hannibal and his family are the first Carthaginians who come to my mind. Actually, they are pretty much the ONLY Carthaginians who do.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 01:37 am
dlowan wrote:

Really? I have always known it as Kristallnacht...perhaps the other name is what people in Germany call it, or has the usage changed generally worldwide?

Hannibal and his family are the first Carthaginians who come to my mind. Actually, they are pretty much the ONLY Carthaginians who do.

"Kristallnacht" (or even worse "night of the broken glasses") isn't used because it dramatically belittles what happened there - it reminds to something what is done at wedding-eve parties (and exactly that was the reason why the Nazis called the progrom night that way).

re carthago I was referring to the period after the 3rd Punic War - because it was listed before.
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