I found this troubling:
Chaplain Yee
Some points to be made:
He is accused of nothing public, yet.
He may be accused of giving aid and comfort to the prisoners. Isn't that what prison chaplains do?
He has spoken out to the media about the (mis)treatment of prisoners there, and has also been rumoured to be a source of information to AI and other human rights groups. This may be in conflict with UCMJ, but the moral imperative should be clear.
I wonder if this is a "trial shot" by the US to see how the populace reacts, in preparation for harsher actions by the DOJ against civilians who oppose Bush and Ashcroft.
I truly hope he was not guilty of aiding a terrorist effort. If he was, he should be tried,and if convicted, locked up for life with a big romantic cellmate named "Bubba," and no lube!