Yes, I think Craven is very happy about the response. And it's given us all a chance to evaluate how important a2k is to us.
Tartarin. I look forward to reading the threads on PUP as a source for serious political challenges, but I place my vote with the others who state that by leaving a2k, you are giving the stage to the worst elements on a2k.
If we all followed Edgar's example and simply ignored abusive posts, they would no longer have the audience they so desperately need.
Also, if people like Sophia and Timber aren't included in this group, it will simply turn into a feel good forum where everyone agrees with everyone else, or at least a forum with very little to challenge the participants.
As I understand you Tartarin, you intend these PUP threads to be a place where some of who share a liberal point can discuss those issues on which we may disagree without having to deal with the stone throwers. Is this right? In that case, I think it's a good idea. As long as we don't stay here exclusively.
I too agree about ignoring the trouble makers. Some of them are so obnoxious it's hard to do. And I haven't always done it. Sometimes, I must admit to enjoying a little practice at my sadistic aim at someone with a bullseye on their chest. But it's not productive in the long run. I've been refusing to acknowledge or even read the posts of one participant lately whose posts are so outrageous they do not deserve even a passing glance.