Tue 23 Sep, 2008 05:08 pm
I am currently writing a screenplay in which I need a detective to discover something incriminating hiding/locked in a warehouse. It could be anything from a bomb to a dead body to drugs, the object doesn’t effect the story that much. But! I need the object to be something that the criminal tied to it would be monitoring it with a little remote security device, just something that alarms the criminal when the object is disturbed. There in lies the complication: what would be left with only a minor security device to guard it. It doesn’t seem like it would be drugs because, a warehouse of drugs would probably have peon workers preparing the drugs and/or guards guarding the warehouse. But this warehouse has to be left completely alone for days at a time. That said it probably wouldn’t be a dead body because I doubt the criminal would want to watch his dead body, he’d probably just burry it and be done. A bomb is almost believable to me. If he was assembling or storing bomb(s) he might not want to store them in his home, but a bomb is a bit dramatic. Does anyone else have any other ideas?
Some intricate and threatening plan saved on a computer.
I suppose that's been done. But so have most storylines. It's how you do them.
How about his
criminal tools of the trade? A sophisticated criminal may provide himself deniability by storing his tools at a warehouse, be it a locker or above a ceiling tile... and may very well be cautious enough to rig it with a trigger that sends an alert if his safe-place is compromised. Perhaps a servo-activated untraceable pre-pay cell-phone that speed-dials a second phone that can be disposed of upon receiving the alert?
Oh, I don't care if it's a unique answer it's hardly comes into the story line. I just want an answer.
But I don't think it should be information because: why wouldn't the criminal just keep it at his house?
I like the crime tool! That's good. Do you think there's a way it could be made a little more sinister? Kind of like a dead body or a bomb? Really good thinking though. I might go with that.
Well, Bill gave you an answer to that..
Well, the tool might
be sinister... a vial that contains a deadly virus, a gun which returns any number of heinous murder implications in ballistics, a knife or gloves with minute traces of blood, etc.