With the over reliance on polls and the marked irrational exuberance of Conservatives and Republicans of late, I thought a reasoned discussion of what is really happening in the presidential race is in order.
First... If you support Obama go now and
donate and/or
volunteer. My confidence is based on the fact that Obama supporters are fired up, hopeful and will work hard to ensure this victory.
That being said, from now until election day, all the important factors favor Obama; a fact that puts him in a very good position to win.
1) Obama's messages are the right messages for this election. He is the candidate of Change in the minds of Americans (remember this is about strategy). He is the candidate of the middle class, and the candidate trusted to fix the economy. It will be domestic issues that win this election (although Obama's foreign policy is fine too).
2) McCain is trying to mimic Obama; when he decided to be the candidate of "Change", I knew he was sunk. McCain keeps on saying the economy is "fundamentally sound" (an argument that Americans aren't in the mood to buy). McCain does not have the support of the American public on any major issue.
3) The Palin fad will burn out quickly. Palin does solidify the Conservative Christian base, but she comes with significant minuses. The buzz and excitement she brought artificially inflated poll numbers, but the more people learn about her the lower her popularity will be. She will end up being a net negative on the McCain ticket.
4) McCain is being linked with lies and with mean attacks. This is a theme that will continue to build as the election goes on.
5) McCain's big weakness is that he has to appeal to Conservatives and to Independents at the same time-- an awkward position that will be very public very soon (unless he decides to just keep moving to the right).
I expect a lively discussion on these points... but be careful. The next several weeks will prove me right.
- Obama will start to pull ahead in the polls.
- The McCain campaign will start to show signs of desperation, not only in worse attacks... but in signs of disagreements and disorganization in his campaign.
- Republicans will complain louder and louder about the unfairness of the "liberal media".
I say this with confidence because the polls from this early point don't matter. The election has just started in earnest and the debates haven't even happened yet. The battle for the minds of independents has just begun. What matters is who can connect with issues, vision and direction.
This year, Obama has all the advantages.
So, make a donation, talk to your neighbors, and lets finish this job!