wolf wrote:I'm not gonna deny that these guys have fundamentalist ideas. But I will deny that they have the means or skills to develop a type of bomb with such tremendous power as to destroy a whole block, (etc)
wouldnt they be able to acquire those skills? Why wouldnt they be able to do the same thing you say the CIA is doing all the time? Are they of inferior intelligence, you think?
You can find manuals on how to make bombs on the net, no biggie there, let alone what expertise on the matter is doing the rounds among various extremist groups; what you then need is money and enough hideaways to be able to keep your operation secret. The extremist Islamists of Al-Qaeda and the like lack neither funding nor trusted contacts across the Muslim world - why wouldnt they be able to do it?
You already add "(so called)" to your designation "our o so powerful intelligence agencies", and you're right - no intelligence agency can humanly control everything that happens anywhere - you cant expect the CIA to have its agents ready on the look-out at every possible terrorist hideaway in Karachi, Cairo or Jakarta slums. So **** will happen in various countries for various reasons by various groups, without one single driving force controlling it all.