We will have to wait (about as long as it took for Obama's bounce to show up) for the rest of the polls to catch up.
the real race begins this AM, "bounces" are all temporary effects based upon the short attention spans of people. Ill be interested in the longer termrends leading up to the election. I cant believe that McCin is going to be successful in duping the public into believeing that he stands for anything that resembles change when hes been part of the problem all along ,and now withwith his toadying up to the evangelicals and all hes a true hypocrit.
I believe that this election will be a goodly sweep for Obama.
Itll be fun watching the GOP's trying to use their baskets of "Rovian lies" and fact twisting. I dont think Obama and Biden will let a Lying sack of "Swift Boat" aholes avert our attention from the fact that this country is in a big batch of trouble due to 8 years of GOP mishandling .
Educated folks are flocking to McCain & Palin... are the numbers of dumbmasses enough to elect Obama? We shall see.
Just wait until Tuesdays numbers are released