Wed 3 Sep, 2008 01:03 pm
"We the willing,
led by the unknowing,
have been doing the impossible,
for the ungrateful.
We have done so much,
with so little,
for so long,
that we are now qualified,
to do anything,
with nothing."
We the willing,
Nos volentes,
led by the unknowing,
ducti a nescientis,
have been doing the impossible
quod fieri non potest faciebamus
for the ungrateful.
pro ingratis.
We have done so much,
Tantum fecimus,
with so little,
cum tantulo,
for so long,
tanto tempore,
that we are now qualified
ut nunc apti simus
to do anything
aliquid facere
with nothing
cum nihilo
Brilliant. Gratie plenae.
You're welcome, ldberriz.