please try to make believe that youve even read anything Ive posted. Ive always accepted panspermia as a possibility for "seeding our planet viqa incoming bolies containing prebiotic organics". Ive been onistent in that point , qwhy??? because it i teswtqble qnd fqlifiaqble and cannot be deny as a possible possibility. WE JUST DONT HQVE ANY INFO TO EVIDENCE IT YET. Ive been consistent also saying that e will know one way or another that it was a delivery ytem from outer space.
However, having aid tht (AGA
IN), It doesnt negate anything re Naturl swlection, nor does it mqake ID ny more evidenced . (Understand?). You must plase tell me how ID is supported by a panspermian origin of life??
If you say that pnspermian efforts were delivered to the plnet at key times to kick start certain phyla (in the order they occur in the fosil recor), you hqve a bigger job in doing a convincing dnce.
I hve no rsponsibilities in this at qll. I know what evidence supports now and Im pretty much using it in my work.(Any other explantion WILL NOT BE SCIENTIFICALLY USEFUL), in fact, it been debunked and trashed in the literature many times.(Ill respond with examples when you start (I DID SAY START) providing any real evidence besides references to bogus Creationist mathematics nd AIG and Discovery Institute drek.
The article doesnt reference much in how SNP'sand MNP's can SIMULTANEOUSLY effect phenotype without major restructuring of the entire genome. Yet differences between H ss and H neander is greater than that among the existing apes. The argument that "stuff keeps evolving all the time and it doesnt take much genic difference to ffect phenotypic outcome" are still "Factoids" that Steve Gould brought to our attention hortly after much work was done in lab genomics
Our species had a common ancestor about 6 my ago with great apes and this can be seen in the restructuring of two entire chromosomes (not jut an SNP)
Ill wait with my ice tea in hand
Quote: accepted theories (mutation and natural selection) are not adequate to explain the source of information required to explain things like the Cambrian explosion.
Since you get all sensitive and defensive in these debates, I repwctfully submit that what you know and understand about a "Cambrian Explosion" can b fit on the back of a postage stamp.
All the CE did was to apply carbonte tests as a common building material within already exiting genera, qnd it was anywhere between 30 and 60 million years long (as opposed to the 20 MY "first cut" estimate. Pre Grenvillin fossils of proto trilobites like
Dickinsonia or complex annelids or mollusca (without shells.)
Apidillans, Sprigginia and less complex proto brchiopods likeVendozoans. The ARchea qnd other les complex phyllq hqd already been on the planet for almot 2 billion years. So your "Cambrin Explosion" is nothing more than a 30 to 60 million year experiment for animals to obtain exokeletons and segmentation. Not a really big accomplishment. Think about it, 30 million years min to 60 million max , just for all that. Then remember, It took the entire redt of the Pleozoic to hqve the rest of the phylla show up (with the exceptions of mammals and birds of course).
MOre of a slow burning chrcoql pit than an axplosion. We use several dozen key fosils in mineral explorqtion ince minerals also seem to have an environmental appearance schedule from the origin 35 native elements and 50 minerals that appeared on earth in the Pre Vendean times.
It actually critical information ,whenever we search for specific elements. so spreading the calendar pages out from the fossil record isnt just stamp collecting for the rich hobbyists, its a geo-enginering TOOL.
I think perhaps your understnadings may not be based on hard facts but interpretations from popular religious presses. Ive never had a problem with pnspermia, It , as I said, can be tested in its time. However, it does NOT equate to intelligent "dsign" unless several key occurences show up THROUGH GEOLOGICAL TIME.