Quote:you didnt notice how well both wande and ros dismissed the entire "controversy" issue.
Show me. But don't bother if they dismissed it by simply saying it was a pile of evil-smelling bullshite. Being dismissed by wande and ros is a feather in the cap to me. I'd be worried if they agreed with me. Neither even know how to conduct a civilised conversation and neither do you. And what they did dismiss was not only me. The existence of the debate is proof that the controversies exist and are real.
Quote:You insist that controversies exist yet you want to accept evolution. Pick one and go with it, dont try to sit on a fence with a picket up yer ass.
You know very well, or you ought to by now, that the controversies exist in areas of life that are not talked about in polite company. That is why the senator from Texas left it at what he said. He was appealing to grown up people not to take advantage of his discretion. Don't come the innocent prude in order to try to save your face.
But one controversy, not the senator's, an added one, is that concerning the familiar divisions and groupings into insulated compartments of genres such as science, literature, religion, philosophy, economics, law, history, geography, anthropology and art etc etc. Can these divisions be justified when the individualities of the students are created by the blend of them. The teaching profession itself and the bureaucracies supporting it are full of people whose consciousness has been created by that blend.
Are you even sure of the perimeters of those distinctions yourself?
In the last analysis they might all be reduced to science or even to just physics. Will science take over the schools? We do want some consistency in teaching rather than stand up fights in the staff rooms and with the parents and representatives of the community. Where are your teachers to come from?
The simple and obvious fact that I am discreet about the senator's controversies, as he was, is sufficient to show that the anti-ID position here and in other discourses such as Dover and in media is conditioned by Christian morality. You called an amusing little episode taken from nature "porn". Ye Gods!!
In what way is one of those books you read for comfort and self-validation isolated from the wider culture it was written in, passed for publication and disseminated? In what way is it isolated from the writer's, and reader's, culture and life as a discreet object? Surely not just because it is an object in your hands? That's like switching the light on without knowing electricty has to be generated and distributed.
In what way does science justify the mass incarceration of 50 million kids in mandatory education? People pay to go on courses to learn all sorts of things. Where is the motivation for making the learning experience attractive when the audience has been rounded up by law and parental ambition which seeks to distort a proper, scientific assessment of talent by influence and shoehorn fuckwits into responsible positions?