I am the only pro-science poster on these threads fm. You lot haven't an ounce of science between you. And you proved it already today if more proof is needed. And never more blatantly than when you said I was top of the rankings in rjb's Pick-Um game by random choosing.
You offered that I am a "twit" as an argument and here you are again with another stupid assertion. You cannot lose an argument with such a method. You are always right because you are always right. You're a disgrace to the US educational system of which you are a very typical product. And you insult A2Ker's intelligence by even once adopting such a method never mind doing so on a permanent basis.
Of course ID has no scientific evidence if your definitions and limitations of what science is are operative. Your argument once again is circular. Anti-ID has no evidence either from that point of view.
The ONLY (and I apologise for feeling the need for the emphasis) substance to the discussion about teaching evolution to adolescents is the social consequences of doing so. If you reject that you should be campaigning to close some university departments down. Geology isn't science. It's reportage. Suck it and see stuff. It finds minerals in the hills when the run off water contains them. Gee! It finds oil, according to CBS News, when some old Arab gent tells it where to look. It says that if you push a carpet from each end it will ruck up in the middle. And if you pour water on it the water will fill up the hollows between the rucks.
I'm not talking about any "big guy in the sky" and you know it. I'm talking about preventing the logical and obvious sociological and psychological consequences of atheism. You cannot bring yourself to discuss that matter, presumably from fear of it, and the WHOLE point of education is to get the sociological, psychological and economic consequences of it that we wish to get.
We have traffic lights to ensure the efficient flow of the traffic. If some nitwit jumps them and crashes it doesn't prove traffic lights are a dead loss and should be done away with. All your arguments are as silly as that. If 500 nitwits crash it doesn't prove it either.
The only major change in the format of life in this debate is the switch to atheism which is what you are actually proposing. If Io wants that he's on your side and if he doesn't it's about time he stopped feeding you slow lobs which enable you to ignore the real questions and evade the essentials.
Where did upper-class compassion come from if it wasn't from the Christian religion. What effect did it have on the lower classes to see one of their number have his/her skin whipped off in public prior to being impaled on a stake for the birds to feed off? Being very good boys and girls one might easily assume is the effect. And the intended effect. With nightmares as a booster mechanism. No joy even in sleep. Standard practice before Jesus's message was heard and disseminated. Was it not justifiable to allow Jesus to have a divine origin, and the obvious and logical capacity to work miracles which derive from such an origin, in order to get from that to this even if it has taken a long time and been a bumpy road? Keep whining about the bumps is back seat driver's drivel.
Who cares if it is a fairy story when the dividends have been so wonderful for those of us of humble birth. Why don't you tell all the kids there's no Father Christmas and take the joy out of their lives? Taking one for the team, and a very easy one too, is not on your agenda is it? Your big fat ego is in the way.
And prove Jesus was not of divine origin. Prove that the Sermon on the Mount was not a template for our civilisation. The only argument you can have that makes sense is that our civilisation is shite and was all a big mistake and get on board with the behaviourists. A leading behaviourist, Skinner probably, said that a civilisation which does without torture is doomed.
Get on message then. You're a ladies' coffee morning atheist as things stand. Piss-balling about in the interstices of your desires.
We are the luckiest people who ever lived and it's down to Jesus or all that name means. If you lot have your way we will be the luckiest people who ever did live by the time the world ends because modern instruments of power will never allow another Jesus. He would soon be spotted and "retrained". If only for his own good like in 1984.
Do you want an atheist society? Yes or no. "You either got faith or you got unbelief--there ain't no neutral ground." (Bob Dylan). That woke me up. Not because of who said it but because of what it means.