Quote: I actually have a Kryptonian font and know the language pretty well.
I am just obsessed with Superman. Anyway I believe it would be..
"Chahty'sh Shuhpehrmahn." LOL! No lie that is modern Kryptonian..
Is that the Eastern Dialect ?
I remember seeing the first episode of Superman on TV,
with the rocket headed toward Ma & Pa Kent 's farm n crashing into it,
when it first came out. I 'd have liked to have a videotape recorder back then.
I wish I had videotaped that episode; better yet, get it on DVD.
(That was contemporaneous with
Wild Bill Hickok starring Guy Madison n Andy Divine.)
I had a fairly well developed collection
of Superman Comics, Superboy Comics, Action Comics with Superman in them.
I still have quite a few of them from the 1950s,
but not in pristine condition. In 1953, I built a house up in a tree
in my backyard, and went up there and read Superman Comics, along with others.