McCain/Condi VS Barack/Hillary

Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 02:32 pm
Today suddenly a Condoleezza Rice VP idea came to the forefront of my thoughts and considerations. Who better? A (possibly gay) "conservative" black woman? Just like the way Barack and his nasty mentors shoved Hillary away BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT BLACK AND THOUGHT HERSELF “ENTITLED“. Well Barack is not gay… So by the same logic is he more entitled than a black (possibly gay) woman to be president (in this case VP)?

How about the reparations to the gays who have for many years been institutionalized and labeled mentally ill and much more long after slavery was abolished? Barack is no sure gamble. Would that not give gays AND blacks HOPE? Has America abolished their hatred for gays? Are we ready for an unmarried (possibly gay) black female vice president? YES!!!

So who will accuse me of "fear of a black president" when I would STRONGLY prefer a black female (possibly gay) VP over Barack Obama (Who is not really all that "black")?

And what of Condi’s marital status? Is it better to have an elitist who is all show and fluff or Condi who has married and dedicated herself wholly to the work of the American people? Condi is a proven commodity and Barack is at this point nothing more than empty words that simply contradict themselves when broken down and scrutinized.

If McCain wants a WOW from his choice in VP it is Condi! The same Condi who stood up against the blood throwing mascots of the left. Romney who is just too weird and Huckabee (too conservative), will not be able to secure even a small margin of Hillary’s supporters. Also this would repair the republican party’s insinuated negative reputation in the black community.

Conservatives may have a problem with a gay woman but they do love Condi. Is Condi really gay? It seem that is something for, don’t ask don’t tell, to figure out. Whose business is it really?

So what woman do we want in the White House? Michelle Obama who has not been proud of her country until her forties or someone who has worked tirelessly the last eight years to successfully keep America secure?

Barack talks about Bush’s failed policies… does Barack realize that in the same breath he is also insulting a black woman (Condi) who probably more so than even Cheney has carved out US foreign policy? Who has really been the brains behind the Bush?

Would Russia be more intimidated by Mr. fancy pants Barack Obama or McCain with Condi as his VP staring them down?

What other candidate does McCain have that can give the VP position a big WOW? EVERYONE in the US knows who Condoleezza Rice is and most people respect her immensely. I know I do!

Considering McCain’s age we could, if his health fails, have a highly disciplined black “woman” in the White House. Is that not better than a black pop star elitist and his wife’s long standing "shame" for her country? Michelle is too snobby even to allow Hillary the VP position! Barack’s own policies are highly questionable.

I trust Condi, she has proven her dedication to this country unlike Barack who has simply though empty shifting positions espoused an agenda to “CHANGE” what has PROVEN itself to be working and kept us safe. Umm, Barack you don't fix what is not really broken... Again lack of experience... Do we need such inexperience in these time of so much turmoil? Can we afford Barack Obama?

Condi does not have terrorists associates in her back pocket and raving mad black liberation preachers who loathe “average white folk”. There is also Barack’s shoddy dealings with the Chicago crime scene and his admitted drug use. Is that worse than being gay and single? Republicans should realize if Condi can win it for us that is better than the possibility that Barack win. I see Condi as VP, and then president... ushering in many years of peace and prosperity for America. A delicate but firm hand...

Even if Hillary were to join Barack as a VP, Condi I bet could still outwit Hillary and Barack in debates. I prefer Condi more than Hillary. I respect Condi's smirk and her confidence and that pensive look she gets when she is explaining US policy. Condoleezza is a seasoned stateswoman and foreign policy guru not a mere politician. This makes her ideal for actually DOING the work of the American people and raising the favorability of the American people toward our government and the favorability of the world regarding Americans. What are our foreign critics of America going to do, show hate for a black woman? That would certainly not go over with the European “progressives” liberality.

There is really no one in the entire United States more qualified to be VP alongside McCain. Americans (and McCain) should get down on their hands and knees and beg Condoleezza Rice to accept the nomination for vice president of the greatest country in the free world. I personally believe Condoleezza is even more qualified than McCain to lead but she also has a work ethic that is surpassed by none.

To not elect her as VP is to do a “greater” injustice to the realization of American "progressive" values and tolerance than not electing a black man. Condi is ready and able to be president (or VP) on DAY 1.

Condoleezza Rice in November

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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 1,856 • Replies: 19

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 03:02 pm
Condi would be an excellent "yes, sir" soldier for McCain.
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 03:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Condi would be an excellent "yes, sir" soldier for McCain.

I think this is a first that we have completely and not just sarcastically AGREED CI. Smile thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 03:33 pm
Barack "shoved Hillary away BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT BLACK"???


That's where I gave up, sorry. That's such patent nonsense, I dont even know what to say.
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 03:39 pm
agreed nimh
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 04:07 pm
Barack "shoved Hillary away BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT BLACK"???

Who wrote that?

I wrote:
Barack and his nasty mentors shoved Hillary away BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT BLACK AND THOUGHT HERSELF “ENTITLED“...

Comment: Maybe you stopped there because you don't know how to read let alone quote someone accurately...

Father Michael Pfleger mocks "entitled" and "white" Hillary at Trinity United Church.


Barack’s good friend MENTOR father Michael Pflager and his loving racist bigoted CHURCH...

"We than God for the [racist] message and we than God for the [racist] messenger..."

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 04:20 pm
I wonder if Nihm and Bvt could then give me a plausible reason why Hillary was rejected when Joe Biden is being considered?

Joe is not black but he is also not a conduit of CHANGE either!

Biden was also against the troop surge and wanted to SEGRIGATE Iraq into three ethnically divided regions... That type of CHANGE takes us back not ahead... That type of change divides based upon race and religion and does NOT UNITE…

Hillary was pretty much tied with Barack so why insult the electorate?

Birds of a feather flock together...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2008 04:34 pm
Father Michael Pfleger, I have got no 401 plan, I haven’t got no trust fund, I didn't walk into no company left to me by my daddy or my grand daddy or my great grand daddy! But I am white and I still have to listen to your racist hate directed toward me. Who is going to pay reparations to me caused by your hate?
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 12:33 pm
On The Lighter Side...

The Presidential election was too close to call. Neither the Republican
candidate nor the Democratic candidate had enough votes to win. There was
much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges, etc., but a week-long
ice fishing competition seemed the sportsmanlike way to settle things. The
candidate that caught the most fish at the end of the week would win the

Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing contest
between the two candidates to determine the winner.

After much of back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest
take place on a remote frozen lake in northern Minnesota.

There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out
separately on this isolated lake and return at 5 P.M. with their catch for
counting and verification by a team of neutral parties. At the end of the
first day, John Mc. returned to the starting line and he had ten fish.

Soon, Obama returned and had no fish. Well, everyone assumed he was just
having another 'bad hair' day or something and hopefully, he would catch
up the next day.

At the end of the 2nd day John Mc. came in with 20 fish and Obama came in
again with none.

That evening, Harry Reid got together secretly with Obama and said,
'Obama, I think John Mc. is a low-life, cheatin' son-of-a-gun. I want you
to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with fishing. Just spy on him and
see just how he is cheating.'

The next night (after John Mc. returns with 50 fish), Harry said to Obama,
'Well, tell me, how is John Mc. cheating?'

Obama replied, 'Harry, you're not going to believe this, but he's cutting
holes in the ice.'


A reader's comment I copied from Ann Coulter's last blog. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 01:41 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 01:46 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 01:54 pm

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Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 02:06 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 02:55 pm
Quick Back of the Envelope Calculations

by MichaelTurk | August 27, 2008 at 10:28 PM
in biden gender discrimination
One of Joe Biden's major applause lines tonight came when he demanded equal pay for women. That's a worthy cause to be sure. But is Biden practicing what he preaches?

Maybe not.

Despite the fact that Biden employs 27 women and only 14 men (could that be a Clinton problem?), very few of the women and men share common titles. The one job where there is overlap is staff assistants. These are traditionally entry level low-wage jobs in congressional offices.

So how do Biden's salaries stack up?

The average male staff assistant in Biden's office (based on the most recent salary figures) made $39,162 in the time period.

The average woman in that position made $21,323.

Hey Joe! Before you demand something of others, maybe you should lead by example. Why not start by giving the women in your office a raise?

Update: It also looks like the highest salaries are reserved for men, despite their minority status. 4 out of 14 men made more than $40,000 in the period, but only 5 of 27 women cleared that mark. Two of the men earned $70k, but the highest paid woman made only $46,000

Update 2: Does Obama walk the walk? It looks like he's certainly better than Biden. A review of his staff for the same period at least shows remarkable consistency in pay for the jobs carrying the same title. Although of the twenty highest salaries in his office, 13 are men and 7 are women.

Update 3: It also works going the opposite direction. Of the 20 lowest salaries in Obama's office, 13 are women and 7 are men. (And please note, there is no overlap between those two lists, and I have not included anyone that worked less than the full time period.)

Update 4: For those who asked, one final note before I do some real work. Of the 20 highest salaries on John McCain's staff, 13 are women, and 7 are men.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 03:25 pm
Rex, I find this confusing:
by your screen name, u seem to identify yourself as a Red.
Nazism and communism have always been anathema to my mind
because of my insatiable love for personal freedom (particularly my own).
I carry the flags of Individualism, libertarianism,
laissez faire free enterprize and hedonism (and fonetic spelling)

In the past (except for the last few days),
when I have seen threads posted by a Red in this forum, I was aversive to them,
inferring them to be the products of a diseased communist mind
(which I have always held in abhorence). Insomuch as I am not always
one to go looking for a fight, I largely ignored your posting, in the service of tranquility.
(I did not need a button for that.)

However, your present comments seem not entirely in keeping with commie doctrine;
what gives ?

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 08:05 pm
Re: RexRed (Post 3368702)
Rex, I find this confusing:
by your screen name, u seem to identify yourself as a Red.
Nazism and communism have always been anathema to my mind
because of my insatiable love for personal freedom (particularly my own).
I carry the flags of Individualism, libertarianism,
laissez faire free enterprize and hedonism (and fonetic spelling)

In the past (except for the last few days),
when I have seen threads posted by a Red in this forum, I was aversive to them,
inferring them to be the products of a diseased communist mind
(which I have always held in abhorence). Insomuch as I am not always
one to go looking for a fight, I largely ignored your posting, in the service of tranquility.
(I did not need a button for that.)

However, your present comments seem not entirely in keeping with commie doctrine;
what gives ?


Sorry for the confusion David.
As most logically minded people, I believe in democracy when it is informed by a free press.

The RexRed name comes from my (half) Norwegian roots Eric (rex) the Red. My real name is Eric. I didn't want to use my real name as most others opt no to also. So I chose Rex which is a Roman from of Eric.

It is a powerful name yet it comes with a bit of baggage.

I have lately preferred to use the “king of hearts” parallel to rex (king) red (hearts).

I do not believe in the communist or socialist system because there is too large of a gulf between the controlled and the controllers. I prefer a multi tiered free enterprise system than has a robust middle class and a democratically elected ruling republic.

I feel socialism cuts the heart out of the pursuit of happiness and is very close to dictatorial rule. I believe the ideals in socialism were conceived “possibly” with good intentions yet largely disastrous outcomes. I do not really care for the connection to socialism or communism associated with my stage name RexRed. (I am an entertainer also.)

Although the connection is inferred it becomes a stumbling block to liberals when I begin to spout democratic/conservative values. Almost a form of satire because I am so utterly patriotic. I ALSO love the connection to the US flag and the "red" stripes within it symbolizing courage to me. Also red being a strong symbol of love and life. And red being the republican color and the only party I REALLY trust now with America’s future.

You can trust that I will never desire communism over capitalism. This is why I do not like Hillary or Barack’s BIG government run healthcare plans.

This is also why I was for privatizing social security which the dems obstructed.

So the first meaning to RexRed (to me) is Eric the Red and the second is something do with life, love and the pursuit of happiness in capitalism (in that order). Even the "kingly" part of "rex" I relinquish for a peaceful democratic republic.

Thanks for inquiring. Hope this makes sense.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 11:34 pm
Sorry for the confusion David.
As most logically minded people, I believe in democracy when it is informed by a free press.

The RexRed name comes from my (half) Norwegian roots Eric (rex) the Red. My real name is Eric. I didn't want to use my real name as most others opt no to also. So I chose Rex which is a Roman from of Eric.

It is a powerful name yet it comes with a bit of baggage.

I have lately preferred to use the “king of hearts” parallel to rex (king) red (hearts).

I do not believe in the communist or socialist system because there is too large of a gulf between the controlled and the controllers. I prefer a multi tiered free enterprise system than has a robust middle class and a democratically elected ruling republic.

I feel socialism cuts the heart out of the pursuit of happiness and is very close to dictatorial rule. I believe the ideals in socialism were conceived “possibly” with good intentions yet largely disastrous outcomes. I do not really care for the connection to socialism or communism associated with my stage name RexRed. (I am an entertainer also.)

Although the connection is inferred it becomes a stumbling block to liberals when I begin to spout democratic/conservative values. Almost a form of satire because I am so utterly patriotic. I ALSO love the connection to the US flag and the "red" stripes within it symbolizing courage to me. Also red being a strong symbol of love and life. And red being the republican color and the only party I REALLY trust now with America’s future.

You can trust that I will never desire communism over capitalism. This is why I do not like Hillary or Barack’s BIG government run healthcare plans.

This is also why I was for privatizing social security which the dems obstructed.

So the first meaning to RexRed (to me) is Eric the Red and the second is something do with life, love and the pursuit of happiness in capitalism (in that order). Even the "kingly" part of "rex" I relinquish for a peaceful democratic republic.

Thanks for inquiring. Hope this makes sense.

It does.
As an entertainer, I am sure that u desire to look good.
Sometimes u don 't get a second chance
to make a good first impression.

I looked at your profile, and from there to your posted website,
which did not seem commie. I have known too many commies in my life;
loathsome. About 40 or 50 years ago, I was an Anti-communist spy for the
US House Committee on unAmerican Activities.

King of Hearts sounds good.
Its like if (in contemplation of the fact that the swastika is 1000s of years old)
u had chosen to represent yourself with a swastika,
some of your audience might associate it with its more recent political use
in the first half of the 1900s, and infer your affection for the 3rd Reich,
if u did not dissociate yourself from it explicitly. I had thought that u were
on the side of evil, whereas now it turns out that u r on the side of Good.
I 'm glad to know it.

Anyway, I wish u lots of Good Luck

Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 09:32 am
It does.
As an entertainer, I am sure that u desire to look good.
Sometimes u don 't get a second chance
to make a good first impression.

I looked at your profile, and from there to your posted website,
which did not seem commie. I have known too many commies in my life;
loathsome. About 40 or 50 years ago, I was an Anti-communist spy for the
US House Committee on unAmerican Activities.

King of Hearts sounds good.
Its like if (in contemplation of the fact that the swastika is 1000s of years old)
u had chosen to represent yourself with a swastika,
some of your audience might associate it with its more recent political use
in the first half of the 1900s, and infer your affection for the 3rd Reich,
if u did not dissociate yourself from it explicitly. I had thought that u were
on the side of evil, whereas now it turns out that u r on the side of Good.
I 'm glad to know it.

Anyway, I wish u lots of Good Luck



I am also glad to be in your company my friend.
I would love to be a spy for our government.
I am sure that is quite an honor and privilege. Smile

You can call me Eric if you like, both Eric and Rex have the same America loving heart.

I don't claim to know all there is about government and my name RexRed has even led me to some confusion and soul searching over time. Yet I will never waver as to my love for America and if anything were to try and subtract from the democratic republic of America they would have to go through me. I stand PROUDLY with our troops and I stand PROUDLY with our current president and the majority of his policies.

I have several times written G. W. Bush thanking him for his service. I am a proud card carrying member of the republican party and the presidential trust. Going to be real sad to see Bush leave office, I have faith in McCain and also the republicans in my home state of Maine, i.e. Susan Collins (What a great public servant she is and has been!).

Looking forward to a BIG win in 08 and taking back this country in the name of TRUE democracy and the never wavering American spirit.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2008 11:24 pm
How would you know? There are no blacks where you live--lily white Budapest!

Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 08:35 am
How would you know? There are no blacks where you live--lily white Budapest!

And what's wrong with lily white? Is that any different than a "chocolate" New Orleans?
I've never been a racist, I have never owned slaves, I have never condoned that behavior, why should I cower every time I am reminded that I am white?

The Arabs once owned millions of white slaves but I don expect any reparations other than common decency and respect.
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