He's this rightwing sleaze who just published a book full of lies about Obama (The Obama Nation). It's right at the top of the bestseller list now too, so expect some of them to appear in your inbox in alarmed emails.
This NYT page (front page article) did a good job slicing Corsi's motivations and how his book scores on the truth-o-meter. Telling example:
Quote:In exploring Mr. Obama’s denials that he had been present for the more incendiary sermons of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., Mr. Corsi cites a report on the conservative Web site NewsMax.com that Mr. Obama had attended a sermon on July 22, 2007, in which Mr. Wright blamed “the ‘white arrogance’ of America’s Caucasian majority for the world’s suffering, especially the oppression of blacks.”
Mr. Obama, however, was giving a speech in Florida that afternoon, and his campaign reported he had not attended Mr. Wright’s church that day.
William Kristol, a columnist for The New York Times, had cited the same report in a column, and issued a correction. “There is a dispute about the date, and Kristol chose to side with Obama,” Mr. Corsi said. “We can nitpick the date to death,” he added
So a NewsMax article said Obama was there for the speech; but it was soon shown that Obama was actually in Florida that day, and therefore someone like Kristol posted a correction. Corsi knew all this, but calls it just "a dispute about the date", and repeated the lie anyway.
Apparently the whole book is done with the same accuracy and scruples...
As for the date rape thing, hellfino.