Increase the wages and wage not a war

Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:16 pm
India's cabinet has approved higher wages for government workers after the recommendations of a pay panel report earlier this year.

The higher wages for 5 million workers will cost 221bn rupees ($5.2bn;£2.77bn) in 2008/09.

It comes as Indian inflation soared faster than expected in early August to a 13-year high of 12.44%.

The pay rises are to be backdated to January 2006, with the government paying back money owed in two stages - 40% during 2008/09, and 60% in 2009/10.

The minimum basic monthly pay for a government worker will be increased to 7,000 rupees and the total monthly package, including allowances, will be increased to a minimum 10,000 of rupees per month.

Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:26 pm
Hmm, I wonder it the government actually has some strategy to improve the terrible services (and perception of services), or if it's just patching up the biggest holes.
10,000 Rs is about $200 i think. That's not great, but it's not too bad either. In any case, this is a story worth following long-term.
Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:37 pm
Perhaps the Indian government is foolish enough
to increase the wages of central government exployees.
But wasting the financial resources on war is not a nice intellectual way either.
Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:40 pm
The wage increase is inevitable and long overdue.... I have no idea what war you are talking about though, the article you posted doesn't talk about any war.
Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:47 pm
The title of this thread is this.
Instead of waging war with neibours the government should bestow its attention to ameliorate the plight of wage-earners.
Thu 14 Aug, 2008 11:11 pm
the title does say that....but the title has nothing to do with the article you copy and pasted.... and is completely unclear without some explanation on your part.
Fri 15 Aug, 2008 10:46 am
Ask any of your neighbour whereever you are.
And correct me if were wrong for which act of benevolence I will be much indebted to your
Fri 15 Aug, 2008 10:53 am
Ask any of your neighbour whereever you are.
And correct me if were wrong for which act of benevolence I will be much indebted to your

Stuff like this is why I haven't put Rama on "ignore."
Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:02 am
The same answers were repeated twice.
Computer mistake?
Software problems?
I dont't know.
I appeal to the intellectual participants here to ignore my threads.
Regards without remorse.
Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:51 am
In Abuzz and elsewhere i had posted vitrolic, vehement, critical threads about American way of life.
In this thread i had highlighted a country's politcs and principles( India) about the different outlook in life.
Would you please ask your country's compassionate , corporate-controlled, conservative, corrupt leaders to build the local rodas before they land in Moon?
What a ****
Sat 16 Aug, 2008 11:32 pm
India is offering children from poor families free hot meals in an effort to get them to stay in school.

When India celebrates its 61st Independence Day, or National Day, from British colonial rule on Aug. 15, kids in government-aided public schools in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh will be treated to mouth-watering dishes like khichdi (made from lentils and rice), upma (savory dish made from semolina) and halwa (pudding or sweet dish also made from semolina), to keep them in school so they can learn.

In what has been billed as the biggest lunch program in the world, India targeted 140 million students under the midday meal scheme during the last fiscal year (April 2007-March 2008), up from 90 million students.

The scheme has had its critics, with reports of corruption due to inadequate monitoring and of poor hygienic cooking standards. But in a country that has malnutrition levels among children that are higher than sub-Saharan Africa, an attempt is being made through the midday meal scheme to see that even the poorest of the poor among the next generation of Indians take their places as equals in the years to come in a healthy and educated environment.

0 Replies
Mon 18 Aug, 2008 11:35 am
Increased wages leads to bankruptcy.

One of Pizza Hut's largest franchise companies, which owns several eastern Kentucky restaurants, is filing for bankruptcy.

The Courier Journal is reporting Midland Food Services filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection late Wednesday.
Midland has five restaurants in eastern Kentucky and one in South Williamson, West Virginia.

Minimum wage increases, the rising cost of ingredients and unfavorable lease terms were sited as reasons why the company filed papers for the second time.

Midland filed Chapter 11 back in October 2000.

Dudley Bowring
Mon 18 Aug, 2008 12:02 pm
I don't understand why three reasons are mentioned in the article, but only one is in bold.
Fri 22 Aug, 2008 01:50 pm
@Dudley Bowring,
My honourable friends .
If you cannot give justice to your citizens then go and land in moon.
We the humans are struggling to exist with basic needs.
India( My birth place but not my flagwaving pathetic patriotic place ) struggle to uplift the word DECENCY.
Sat 23 Aug, 2008 11:51 am
I care not who wish to exploit the decent ,innocent citizens.
But i am dead against those who approve the barbaric system
0 Replies
Sat 23 Aug, 2008 12:16 pm
One untouchable girl got approval to study but she was so poor that she cannot pay.
Chennai CM KARUNANIDTH had approved( not tax-payers money) by spending her educational progress.
He is not an American to wage war for corporate interest.
Tue 26 Aug, 2008 10:48 pm
Now let me compare the status of wage earners in another country namely USA.
Here is one from WP

"But over the past 35 years, the typical American household has managed to eke out only a 15 percent increase in its pretax income. During that same period, the productivity of the American worker -- the value of the goods and services produced per hour worked -- has increased by 90 percent.
So where did all that money go?

To some degree, it went to the stock and bond holders who invested capital in the new equipment and technology that made those workers more productive. You'd expect that from a well-functioning capitalist economy.

What you wouldn't expect is that the rest of the income gains would go disproportionately to the households at the top of the income scale. According to data compiled by the Congressional Budget Office, in recent decades the top 10 percent of households have taken an ever-increasing share of the national income, at the expense of everybody else.

It would be neat if we could blame this upward redistribution on the economic policies of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, but for the fact that the trend lines also take in the Carter and Clinton administrations. Moreover, while more pronounced in the United States, there has been a similar trend elsewhere, including in countries with more egalitarian business environments such as Sweden and France.

Up to now, Republicans have tried to ignore the inconvenient truth about increasing inequality. Their first line of defense is to argue that in an economy with as much income mobility as ours, what matters is equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes -- and then mumble something about more money for community colleges and No Child Left Behind. When that doesn't quite do it, they trot out their all-purpose solution -- the tax cut -- which does little to address the underlying disease but at least offers the salve of letting everyone keep a little more of what they earn. For the past eight years, that was pretty much the Bush administration's strategy. Now it seems to have been Xeroxed into the playbook of John McCain.
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