New A2K Bugs

old europe
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 09:44 pm
Okay. Bug spotted again. I've been on a page with lots of posts. But only one poster had the thumb icons displayed incorrectly.

I scrolled up to the top of the page, and the icons seemed to be closer and closer to where they were supposed to be. It went like this (from top to bottom of page):





... all other posters on that page were displayed correctly.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 09:47 pm
I wonder if it has to do with the first time we 'see' a poster. I recently had it happen when I 'saw' cyphercat for the first time on the site.

(sometimes it seems like A2K's really fast, while we're waiting for the avatar site to catch up)
old europe
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 09:58 pm
Uhmmmmm not for me! Nope. Definitely saw ogi before....


Happened again just now. So, for the record: it was the same thing, only one poster (happened to be cyphercat... but I had "seen" her before, on a different thread), and four of her posts on that page were affected.... looked just like ogi's posts.... she was the first poster on that page (trying to detect patterns, don't know if that's part of it)... and one of the posts looked like this:

old europe
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 09:59 pm
@old europe,
Oh, browser and OS:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20080702 Firefox/
Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:00 pm
I wonder if it's due to the incorrect use of the list tag. I've used it that way in the past even though it's very ugly and maybe our new parser is a bit stricter.
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 10:02 pm
@old europe,
Thanks, I think this is a browser rendering bug for firefox but need to investigate (and it won' t be an easy one from the looks of it). It seems like the browser is rendering too fast and then not fixing it's errors.
Region Philbis
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 07:24 am
not sure if this is a bug or a wonky server issue...

i posted this @ 9:12am ET:

but it's not showing up in New Posts:

Region Philbis
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 07:34 am
i did get it to show by changing my New Posts sort from "Week" to "All Time"...
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 07:38 am
@Region Philbis,
Yeah. "Topic Age" is from when the topic was initiated.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 07:58 am
Testing results:

"Ignore User" button works under Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1).

"Ignore User" button does not work under IE 7 (7.0.5730.11). (Able2Know.org is in "trusted sites" zone.)

Both running on XP SP3.

Attempting to sort the tag "politics" always results in a sort by "new posts." The result is the same under both browsers.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:22 am
@Craven de Kere,
Craven wrote:
That's part of the validation imperfection. I think there's just a simple brute 5 tag , x characters or combination of both used. You are triggering it but the message is not very clear on what you are hitting.

We will need to address both.

Hey - I discovered something else that is probably relevant.

When I click in the text box above the "tag topic" button, one thing that always struck me was that the cursor gets to be in the middle of the box, rather than on the left. Out of sheer analness, I usually click backspace to get it to the left, type in the tags I want to add and click on the button. Seemed wholly inconsequential.

But now I chose a thread that already had a couple of tags in place, and tried hitting Ctrl+Shft and the right arrow, highlighting the empty space in the box. Because that's what it did; unlike when there is nothing there and clicking the right arrow does nothing, it started highlighting empty space, suggesting there were tabs or spaces. And lo and behold, when I went on far enough, one of the existing tags showed up! Still clicking the right arrow, I highlighted that tag, more lengthy empty space, and then hey, the second tag!

OK. So this appears to have something to do with the problem I had, where when I added new tags, some would go up, but then others that had been up already would disappear. When now, I highlight the empty space until I reach the existing tags, leave those in place (while deleting the white space) and type in the tags I want to add at the very end, I dont seem to have any more existing tags disappearing.

Now the remaining problem seems to be what you mentioned, that when you reach the max number of tags or characters, it seems to cuts off the tags. There seems to be some inconsistency, sometimes it just accepts three tags, sometimes five, and just now i tagged the "McCain lies" thread with eight tags and they all went through. Whereas a couple of times it refused my tags altogether when I put in, I guess, too many. But some of this might be user error as well - I'll keep trying..
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:26 am
Talking about the McCain Lies thread, in the opening post the formatting seems to have gone kerflooey. The paragraph breaks are all gone, and the formatting of the headline isn't recognized -- the post just shows all the BBCode now.

E.g., this is how the text inside the quote shows up for the visitor:

Code:[size=16][b][URL=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/07/29/ST2008072902360.html]McCain Charge Against Obama Lacks Evidence[/URL][/b][/size] Washington Post July 30, 2008 For four days, Sen. John McCain and his allies have accused Sen. Barack Obama of snubbing wounded soldiers by canceling a visit to a military hospital because [etc etc]
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:28 am
Attempting to sort the tag "politics" always results in a sort by "new posts." The result is the same under both browsers.

I noticed this also. it seems to be only when sorting politics tag
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:46 am
Drewdad wrote:
Testing results:

"Ignore User" button works under Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1).

"Ignore User" button does not work under IE 7 (7.0.5730.11). (Able2Know.org is in "trusted sites" zone.)

Both running on XP SP3.

Ah, that explains it! First I couldnt ignore someone, then I could; but you're right, it depended on the browser I was using.

I have IE 7 (7.0.5730.11CO) - and there the "Ignore User" button does not work.

I have this version of Firefox and there the button does work: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080702 Firefox/
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:14 am


Wassat? i've seen it a few Times now
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:29 am
Same problem with "music" and "pets and garden."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:32 am
I've seen it, too. I think in many instances, it's replacing punctuation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 11:20 am
Smileys within a quote don't seem to work. Below is a link to a post where you can see the problem.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 12:11 pm
@Craven de Kere,
I've been playing with Firebug here just out of curiosity. I can't reproduce it reliably but scrolling a lot does help make it happen. If you take out the "overflow:hidden" style it fixes itself. God only knows what that does to IE though.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 12:30 pm
I think this is a bug but not sure if it has been reported.

If the last post in a thread is mine, the thread shows marked as new unread posts when I see it in the Discussions list. This happens no matter how many times I look in the thread until I log out.

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