Hi, and hugs, Bathsheba. Hah, I'm also a mad knitter, or used to be.
Now then, I think this is all fairly positive relative to what I was afraid of for you.
I recommend two things, aside from any comfort comments, which I'm ready with.
But first, I've liked Susan Love's Breast book. Not sure of the title (the Breast?) and if there are new editions since I've read it, but it helped me get a grasp.
Second, I'd look at the Mayo Clinic website - might be useful info there, all pretty clinical. Plus maybe the Dana Farber site - when I was going through this I barely could get online and didn't look at websites.. but I'm sure there are good and helpful sites out there.
A fairly recent anecdote -- all these years later I signed up for a local university cancer clinic with an eye to getting my mammograms at lower expense. The md there was dismissive, saying mine was only ductal ca, even though it was invasive. (snarl..) But, his point of view gives me some perspective on my luck.