Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! I'm aiming for the PICC. I have a probable infection in the left arm.....where the infusions take place. Would they place the PICC in that arm? I'm on antibiotics. I guess you read that I have phlebitis and cellulitis in the left arm as well (lower forearm below elbow) so would that affect the decision to insert a PICC?
I'm assuming that an IR would be better than an RN because they can access equipment to tell them exactly where the catheter is placed?
Is there pain involved in placing the PICC?
A friend of mine had either the PICC or mediport...she doesn't know which....and she said she could feel the catheter under her collarbone when lying a certain way. She said it wasn't painful, just a weird sensation. Would I be aware of the catheter if it's a PICC?
How often do they have to be flushed, if at all?
Bless you, hon, for taking time to answer my previous post. I will understand if you don't have time for more questions.
I thought of you immediately today when my doctor, the oncologist, didn't even know if they were doing PICC's where she works. Now, that's a confidence builder!
Anything you can tell me is great and I'm printing out your information so I'll have something in hand to give them Wednesday.