contrex wrote:...
Have you thought of saying to her, "I feel confused because I have strong feelings for you but I held off because of your relationship with (older man) but then I saw what happened at the party, so please tell me if we have a chance."?
This is a good idea. What the hell, you have nothing to lose at that point. But recognize that rebound relationships tend to not do well.
Another thing -- I realize it may seem icky but it
must be thought of -- if she went off to another room to, er, visit with some other guy, she may do that more than you think. Plus it only takes once for someone to get HIV, herpes, chlamydia, etc. Not pleasant thoughts but reality, I'm afraid. Particularly if she was drunk during the encounter with the other guy, I doubt that safer sex practices were insisted upon by her. Heck, she coulda ended up pregnant from that one visit, you know.
Just sayin' -- have a clear head about this and know that there could be a whole boatload of consequences from that party that you really should not be getting yourself into.