Oh those crushes were so much fun, weren't they? Makes me laugh just thinking about it, how stupid I was with my first crush....
I was around 14 or 15 years old and my 4 years older brother had a
friend I so adored. Every time he (I forgot his name
) came
over I was struck dumb and blushing every time he said a word to me.
Mostly I sat motionless in my room being overwhelmed that HE was
in the same house as I - the SAME HOUSE!! That was usually all I could
handle, but then there was my brother's birthday party and HE actually
asked me to dance - probably out of pity - but I was in heaven. I wished
the song would never end, but it did of course....
To this day, I love that song (or more the feeling of reminiscing) "Good
morning Starshine" from the musical "Hair".
Darn it, what was his name again?? It will come to me eventually......