Thu 24 Jul, 2008 03:37 pm
Obama now holds the slimmest possible edge over John McCain, leading by just 41 percent - 40 percent in a head-to-head contest.
In fact, Obama's support is down slightly from his 45 percent - 41 percent advantage last month.
As I stated previously, Obama's foundation was flawed from the beginning - his downfall is inevitable.
Just my own opinion, but the tv coverage of his trip made one wonder if Europeans can vote in the U.S. election?
My point is, in my opinion, Obama does not want to appear elitist, yet I believe those that look positively at this overseas trip includes some of those that might be defined as elitist (citizens of the world, perhaps).
It also appears to me that Obama, for some reason, takes the opinion of the rest of the world very seriously, as though the U.S. is not a super power, and needs the approval of nations that 60, or so, years ago were in the midst of a war that we helped save them from.
I also believe this overseas trip can be construed as Obama's attempt to allay any concerns that he does not have a real knowledge of foreign diplomacy. To me it seems analogous to the preparatory courses some high school students pay for, to get ready for the S.A.T.
It seemed to me as though these world leaders treated Obama as though he was already elected, and he was talking in behalf of the United States? Do these world leaders not understand who is the current President of the United States? After this show of great admiration for a Senator, that is not yet elected, I almost wonder if some world leaders think of U.S. citizens as naive or stupid?
To me it was theater. The acting was good, I thought.
Obama opens up his largest lead ever in the head-to-head Gallup daily tracking poll. He's at 46-41 in Ras.
Seems like your words were as foolish as they were hasty, H2O.
even the conservative radio weekend hosts were stipulating to Obamas 9 point "Bounce" so obviously H2OMAN is listening selectively (or not at all).
Quote:60, or so, years ago were in the midst of a war that we helped save them from.
Hitler commited over 60% of his troops to fight the Russians, and were it not for them, the US would have had to finish JApan much quicker , since the NAzis were working on an atomic bomb and a delivery system that could have reached the US.
The US payed a dear price in soldiers killed in both theaters, however the Russians , by Stalin being such an uncreative trusting douche bag that he was, caused his armies to suffer enormous losses and still his generals managed to drive Hitlers elite ARmy clear back home and, while doing that exacted a terrible revenge.
farmerman wrote:obviously H2OMAN is listening selectively (or not at all).

Could there possibly be new poll results since I posted 3 days ago?
Is it even possible that a new poll a month from now will show something different?
I'm listening to the changes and watching the trends.
H2O MAN SAYSQuote: Could there possibly be new poll results since I posted 3 days ago?
Is it even possible that a new poll a month from now will show something different?
These are both very astute questions.Erhaps you should have asked them of yourself before you started a thread entitled
farmerman wrote:H2O MAN SAYSQuote: Could there possibly be new poll results since I posted 3 days ago?
Is it even possible that a new poll a month from now will show something different?
These are both very astute questions.Erhaps you should have asked them of yourself before you started a thread entitled
He had no bounce when I started the thread and he is seeing far less of a bounce than he expected.
Maybe you should not count your chickens just yet, things will change again very soon.
Well, I was being magnanamous when you admitted that you had no idea what was going on and failed to ask yourself simple questions like "Is this thread just bullshit or what ?"
I guess with your waffle stomp you are herein demonstrating the Bullshit Polka.
IMHO McCain would lose the election even if he ran unopposed.
farmerman wrote:
IMHO McCain would lose the election even if he ran unopposed.
If nothing else, you have demonstrated that you are clueless and that your only purpose is the spreading of meaningless bullshit - obviously something you are very good at.
Ah H2O, you're just tireless in spreading goodwill and making friends, aint'cha?
methinks H2O man is operating under the misapprehension that he is sounding intelligent. I, at least used the term bullshit to signify
1 a question that HOH should have asked himself and
2 That he is demonstrating competence at dance stepping a traditional Mazurka
Apparently Hes quite an easy target to get riled. Ill have to keep that in my big notebook on "How to Piss off Certain A2K members"
farmerman wrote:bla, bla bla, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
You are not nearly as smart as you think you are farm hand.
You should ask your self this one question.
Aside from the very vocal A2K members that share the same mental
deficiencies as you, do you think anyone cares what you have to say?
Wow, apparently got your pot boiling there HOH.
Relax, So you posted a dumass thread and now your just trying to do damage control. I know Ive done similar things , except never this stupid.
If Ize you Id just drop this whole subject because somebody really good might show up and then theyd turn you inside out. Im just a rookie at bein a mean ass and look, Im barely running a pulse.
Quote:You are not nearly as smart as you think you are farm hand.
What you got a gainst farmin there salt pusher ? That crap you pull out of a cereal box aint food, its "chemical feedstock"
Any bounce associated with that trip only adds to my conviction that America is doomed to be ruled by the stupid. If Osamabama gets in office, we're all in deep ****.
Your avatar nicely represents your postings ceej. Keep it up.
Nuge is smarter and more influential than you. I guess that makes you jealous.
I actually thought your avatar was weird Al Yankovich. Was that pic taken like 60 years ago when anyone actually gave a **** about Nugent.
You two oughta really get married, anyone can see that youre both so in love.
Dirtfarmer, do you have a valid point to make here or are you
just going to continue spewing your particular brand of bullshit?
Nobody gives a **** about Nuge eh? I guess that's why he's selling out his tour this year (again) and appears daily on television, radio. cable, satellite, etc. He's even going to be on the big screen next month.
And he knows Ray Schoenke prefers squirt guns.