Cycloptichorn wrote:mysteryman wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:mysteryman wrote:Doesnt his wife have cancer?
I seem to remember the left savaging McCain for divorcing his wife, and they also savaged Newt for cheating on his sick wife.
Why isnt Edwards getting that same treatment?
Is it because he is a dem?
No, it's because the story was reported by the National Enquirer, and has not been confirmed by the addition of evidence or testimony to that effect. If/When this is confirmed, he'll become toxic so quick, it won't even be funny.
You do realize that filing a false police report is a crime, dont you?
If those reporters actually did file a police report, and it turns out to be false, then they could go to jail.
Sure they could, but they won't.
True, but at least now Edwards will have to give a statement to police about what happened.
That should be interesting.
Edwards was pretty much done with politics anyway and said he and his wife were going to focus on poverty issues. I would be skeptical, but all his actions since dropping from the Dem primary race support that. To me, this just looks like the N.E. proving a point. They got a scoop and Edwards dissed them hard, so they followed up. I have to wonder why their informant didn't go to a more reputable source with his info. I realize that you can count on the NE to stake out a hotel, but a lot of other organizations would have done it as well.
In the end, Edwards is toast, his wife has another life shattering issue to deal with, and his efforts on behalf of the poor will be adversely affected. All the tradgedy of the Craig affair without any of the hillarity.
OK, chasing him into a bathroom was somewhat funny...
How come it takes some folks this long to judge character, how come it comes to this before some people see the hand writing on the wall? Edwards has been a phony politician from Day 1, always obvious.
c'mon guys stiff dick has no conscience.....that's bi-partisan....
Not to be the clue giver, but this happens for women as well.
and for people attracted same/sex.
That this all, true or not or only somewhat (my bet), is none of our business, however icky or maybe not so icky over time.
Shall we vet for saints?
Saint vetting, the Procedure. Do I need to work up a script, or does this count as treatment?
I do have sympathy for Craig, which of course everyone agreeing with his stances, eh, or most, would take as condescending, but I don't mean it that way.
I read Advise and Consent at the time, suggested, well, handed to me, by my father.
Almost nothing is new.
Not that he and I would agree now, but it could be a good long conversation.