OCCOM BILL wrote:mysteryman wrote:Then there are very few facts in any of Obama's plans and goals, because they have not occurred, and may not.

This is true of
everyone's plans and goals. (What do you find so interesting about creating such ridiculous straw man arguments?) Reminds me of an old Russian Proverb (according to my Russian friend), "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."
I'm trying to show that there is no way anyone can know for sure what Obama is going to do.
For all we know, he isnt going to do anything he claims, and may do the exact opposite of what he says his plans are.
I am trying to show that we cant know what any candidate will do
in the future, and that all we can do is judge him on the present and past performances.
Obama has 3 years in the US Senate, and has spent 2 of them campaigning for President.
That doesnt leave much time to actually be a Senator and accomplish anything.
His record is spotty at best, IMHO.
Of course, McCain isnt any better lately, but looking at his overall political record it is better then Obama's.
To judge either man based on what they say they will do is silly, you have to look at what they have done over their whole career in politics.