Re: french pronom help
blindsided wrote:Quand avez-vous vos parents à Tucson?
my answer:
Je les y ai en janvier.
It's supposed to be something like : I have them here in january.
Is this correct?
Well, both the question and the answer are correct (with some small restriction). But it becomes of infrequent use.
The problem is that
y is a pronoun used with different meanings. Students of French as second language usually have a hard time remembering all the situations.
So let's stick to this one : - Je les
y ai en janvier.
In this case
y is a pronoun used as a
complément circonstanciel de lieu (locative phrase) and it is introduced by
à in the question.
When do you have your parents in Tucson? - I have them
there in January.
Mind that this phrase construction implies that this dialog is not taking place in Tucson. If it was, the reply would be - I have them
here in January (je les ai ici en janvier).