I think sozobe was very close to the facts about beauty=shallow back on page two.
As a former beautiful person, I can say that society gives a pass to most 'beautiful' people. You are the teacher's pet, and others around you will do stuff for you that you should be doing yourself. They overlook your foibles and crappy traits--because, hey, you're beautiful.
When this goes on for most of your life, you haven't really had to hone your opinions, or work very hard at anything-- Its sort of like Affirmative Action, in some unfair, twisted way.
So, you are at a deficit in motivation to do a lot of things yourself. If you don't realize what's happening, this can give you a false sense of your own worth. Plus, you never learned how to change a tire, pump your own gas, do your own homework, earn money to pay for your stuff, and so on... Your sense of personal responsibility is skewed, because you get stopped for speeding, but never get a ticket. Can you imagine what these people must feel like when they age--and their life changes dramatically, if they have somewhere along the line fooled themselves into believing these special treatments were due to anything other than their appearance?
Poor babies!! A little compassion, please! :wink:
PS-- I never treated ugly guys rudely when they came on to me. (But, I did give 'gross out' stories, later.) Nobody's perfect.