Yes, it is wrong to view child pornography.

Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 06:43 pm
Wilso wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
one very sick puppy.

I guess that 's the best u can do; offer a veterinary diagnosis.

No, you're a sick piece of sh!t. The sooner someone uses one of those millions of US guns to put a bullet in your damaged brain, the better off the world will be.

I find it very interesting that the standard a2k response when somebody makes a good argument for a position that is morally troubling is to wish the messenger dead, or silence. Where is the atta-boy for making a good point, for directing us all to an area of interest that DEMANDS debate, for providing a juicy bit for our minds to chew on?? Where are the arguments to refute the ones that cause discomfort? Why the dishonest response of attacking the one who speaks truth rather than admitting to all the the truth is uncomfortable?

Here is to hoping that we can all do better in the future.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 06:55 pm
for some strange reason i always saw you as a defender of children's human rights David, but i was wrong.

You are a disgusting piece of ****, no doubt in my mind

If you can't see the wrong in child pornography, it is no one else' s fault or problem - and up to no one else to have to deal with whatever it is that has cost you your empathy and compassion.

No one here has to explain their human instinct to protect children

No one here has to explain why the exploitation and sexulisation of the child image is a direct attack on ALL children

If you condone the abuse of children then you are a nonce

And that goes for anyone else out there who lacks the moral fibre to do the right thing by young people.
There are no exceptions. It IS about putting children before adults. For all our sakes.

It's about a child's human right to be nurtured safely and respectfully. For their well-being initially, but also for the future of our communities and the human race as a whole.

Jesus you nihilists and fascists are so fu cking predictable

It's a **** world already for kids these days - and not just the ones getting their arms and legs blown off, either - Hell, it must seem that everywhere they look around them they see adults who are blatantly (and even proudly) selfish, vain, greed obsessed pleasure seekers - with little integrity and less shame (or brain).

All they have to do is look on this thread.

From all the leaders of our countries, right on down to the lowest piece of **** posting on a forum - adults are failing to do their duty to protect children.

Out there in the mass, morality appears bankrupt. Ethics hardly mentioned. Yeah, it's a sad, sick old world alright.
Children are getting fu cked in grimy hotel bedrooms and too many adults look the other way at the statistics.

We live in a world where a man can fly from the US to Mexico and buy a four year old girl to abuse for 5 bucks - and plenty do.

We are raising traumatised, abused children around the planet. Millions of them. Seriously. The figures speak for themselves. It is a grotesque reality, how we've allowed ourselves to sink to such an abominable low.

Can you tell me how advocating and therefore advancing the use of child pornography is going to help bring an end to that kind of suffering, or that kind of revolting greed? Or improve things for children already carrying the brunt of adult corruption in this world?

No. You can't.

And really, in all seriousness - isn't it time for you and Agrote and your like, to grow the fu ck up and accept your adult obligations? I mean, as a member of the human race….

You are human, aren't you?

If you even condone child pornography, you are contributing to the escalating deprivation of human rights we see happening very clearly, because you are showing no respect for human nurture.

Look, if we cannot respect the youngest citizens amongst us, yes RESPECT…… and If they cannot trust us, as the adults-in-power around them - to keep their best interests ahead of the money rackets and abusers- what the fu ck are we doing any of this for?


I mean surely, for the sake of future generations, contributing something towards a more responsible and fair society is the duty of EVERY adult - parent or not. Isn't that something worth living and dying for?

Even if that only means desisting from doing harm.

I think you have forgotten or have never known true empathy and until you learn to have compassion, you should expect none yourself.

Even so, I pity you. You come across as a nihilistic psychopath and seem to get off on how uncomfortable that makes other people feel. It's a power trip.

My guess is that you yourself were overpowered as a child. Not necessarily physically, but in some way - abuse can be a chain that goes on and on- unless you choose to honour yourself and opt for freedom and break that chain.

Go and get some psychiatric help - before you loose yourself completely.

But please ...carry on rambling here if it keeps you out the public toilets
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 08:14 pm
agrote wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I think you don't because it was not immediately apparent to you that jerking off to pictures of children being abused was wrong.

Am I correct to assume that you subscribe to the view that actions can be "just wrong" because they "just feel wrong"?

No matter how I feel about an action, if I can't see that it has harmful consequences, then I can't condemn it.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me that jerking off to pictures of children being abused ran the risk of giving financial incentives for people to keep abusing children (to make more child porn).

This had nothing to do with my supposed lack of empathy. It had to do with my ignorance about how people make money on the internet.

You needed goddess knows how many pages of persuasion, in order to "pretty much" make some concession....and yet you are still arguing the point, as far as I can see.

What point am I 'still' arguing? I thought I was arguing the point that I'm not a heartless bastard. This is a new point.

All that argument and drama is not necessary to someone with the tiniest amount of empathy for the victims.

The point is that my ignorance about the internet led me to believe that there were no victims of the crime of viewing child porn. I couldn't see a causal link between looking at child porn and somebody abusing a child. On my mistaken assumption that nobody profits when you look at images on a website, there were no victims for me to have the tiniest amount of empathy for. I had empathy for the victims of abuse, but I wasn't talking about abuse. I was talking about looking at photos of abuse; not taking photos of abuse. I thought that lookign was a victimless crime, and hence empathy for victims just didn't come into it.


No...I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that actions can be wrong because they just feel wrong...

And you are cementing my views about your lack of empathy as I speak.

Where empathy ought to have stopped your ridiculous arguments in their tracks was at the level of how victims feel at knowing people are jerking off to their abuse.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 09:06 pm
dlowan wrote:

agrote wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I think you don't because it was not immediately apparent to you that jerking off to pictures of children being abused was wrong.

Am I correct to assume that you subscribe to the view that actions can be "just wrong" because they "just feel wrong"?

No matter how I feel about an action, if I can't see that it has harmful consequences, then I can't condemn it.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me that jerking off to pictures of children being abused ran the risk of giving financial incentives for people to keep abusing children (to make more child porn).

This had nothing to do with my supposed lack of empathy. It had to do with my ignorance about how people make money on the internet.

You needed goddess knows how many pages of persuasion, in order to "pretty much" make some concession....and yet you are still arguing the point, as far as I can see.

What point am I 'still' arguing? I thought I was arguing the point that I'm not a heartless bastard. This is a new point.

All that argument and drama is not necessary to someone with the tiniest amount of empathy for the victims.

The point is that my ignorance about the internet led me to believe that there were no victims of the crime of viewing child porn. I couldn't see a causal link between looking at child porn and somebody abusing a child. On my mistaken assumption that nobody profits when you look at images on a website, there were no victims for me to have the tiniest amount of empathy for. I had empathy for the victims of abuse, but I wasn't talking about abuse. I was talking about looking at photos of abuse; not taking photos of abuse. I thought that lookign was a victimless crime, and hence empathy for victims just didn't come into it.



No...I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that actions can be wrong because they just feel wrong...

And you are cementing my views about your lack of empathy as I speak.

From David (in blue font):
It looks like u believe that the EMOTIONS
of another person r your business, that he is accountable for them.
I wonder where u got THAT idea ?


Where empathy ought to have stopped your ridiculous arguments
in their tracks was at the level of how victims feel at knowing people
are jerking off to their abuse.

From David (in blue font):

I posted yesterday of my remembering overhearing around 15 years ago,
a group of boys on a train who looked around maybe 12 years old
discussing their business of selling such photografy that thay took
of themselves; laffing about not paying taxes on it.

Tho I cud not read their minds,
thay did not appear distressed about being ABUSED by their enterprize.

U think Marilyn Monroe felt ABUSED after her appearance in Playboy ?
Maybe she shuda sued Hef ? U think ?

P.S.: U can t disprove nor discredit anyone 's arguments
by just calling them ridiculous.
That does not count.
Any person can call any of your arguments "ridiculous" no matter how good thay may be.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 09:09 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Wilso wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
one very sick puppy.

I guess that 's the best u can do; offer a veterinary diagnosis.

No, you're a sick piece of sh!t. The sooner someone uses one of those millions of US guns to put a bullet in your damaged brain, the better off the world will be.

I find it very interesting that the standard a2k response when somebody makes a good argument for a position that is morally troubling is to wish the messenger dead, or silence. Where is the atta-boy for making a good point, for directing us all to an area of interest that DEMANDS debate, for providing a juicy bit for our minds to chew on?? Where are the arguments to refute the ones that cause discomfort? Why the dishonest response of attacking the one who speaks truth rather than admitting to all the the truth is uncomfortable?

Here is to hoping that we can all do better in the future.

I haven't seen a good argument for their position. There is NO good argument for their position. Endy is completely correct. OmSig is a dangerous psychopath. He needs to be either put down, or put away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 09:19 pm
Endymion wrote:
A lot of really good stuff.

<clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap>
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 09:28 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
dlowan wrote:

agrote wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I think you don't because it was not immediately apparent to you that jerking off to pictures of children being abused was wrong.

Am I correct to assume that you subscribe to the view that actions can be "just wrong" because they "just feel wrong"?

No matter how I feel about an action, if I can't see that it has harmful consequences, then I can't condemn it.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me that jerking off to pictures of children being abused ran the risk of giving financial incentives for people to keep abusing children (to make more child porn).

This had nothing to do with my supposed lack of empathy. It had to do with my ignorance about how people make money on the internet.

You needed goddess knows how many pages of persuasion, in order to "pretty much" make some concession....and yet you are still arguing the point, as far as I can see.

What point am I 'still' arguing? I thought I was arguing the point that I'm not a heartless bastard. This is a new point.

All that argument and drama is not necessary to someone with the tiniest amount of empathy for the victims.

The point is that my ignorance about the internet led me to believe that there were no victims of the crime of viewing child porn. I couldn't see a causal link between looking at child porn and somebody abusing a child. On my mistaken assumption that nobody profits when you look at images on a website, there were no victims for me to have the tiniest amount of empathy for. I had empathy for the victims of abuse, but I wasn't talking about abuse. I was talking about looking at photos of abuse; not taking photos of abuse. I thought that lookign was a victimless crime, and hence empathy for victims just didn't come into it.



No...I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that actions can be wrong because they just feel wrong...

And you are cementing my views about your lack of empathy as I speak.

From David (in blue font):
It looks like u believe that the EMOTIONS
of another person r your business, that he is accountable for them.
I wonder where u got THAT idea ?


Where empathy ought to have stopped your ridiculous arguments
in their tracks was at the level of how victims feel at knowing people
are jerking off to their abuse.

From David (in blue font):

I posted yesterday of my remembering overhearing around 15 years ago,
a group of boys on a train who looked around maybe 12 years old
discussing their business of selling such photografy that thay took
of themselves; laffing about not paying taxes on it.

Tho I cud not read their minds,
thay did not appear distressed about being ABUSED by their enterprize.

U think Marilyn Monroe felt ABUSED after her appearance in Playboy ?
Maybe she shuda sued Hef ? U think ?

P.S.: U can t disprove nor discredit anyone 's arguments
by just calling them ridiculous.
That does not count.
Any person can call any of your arguments "ridiculous" no matter how good thay may be.


Oh David.... you occupy some weird ground beyond ridiculous.

All we can do is look at you and pity.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 09:34 pm
I posted yesterday of my remembering overhearing around 15 years ago,
a group of boys on a train who looked around maybe 12 years old
discussing their business of selling such photografy that thay took
of themselves; laffing about not paying taxes on it.

Oh believe me, we all saw that idiotic post.

I'm sure they were all boy scouts and you threw a pocketful of change onto the floor so they could joyously scramble around at your generosity.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:00 pm
agrote wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I will not be deflected therefrom by ad hominem insults.

Not ad hominem. I'm not addressing your views about child porn. I am pursuing the tangential line of argument that you have an incredibly annoying way of writing, and I therefore have good reason to disassociate myself from you. My 'insults' support my claim that you have an annoying way of writing.

Even the sickos that hold similar views on child pornography can't get along. It seems to reflect on their argumentative nature regardless of the subject.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:44 pm
I will answer your post, that whoever chances to read it
will have my corrections
of your defamations and distortions in front of him.

However, u have lost my respect.

Endymion wrote:
for some strange reason
i always saw you as a defender of children's human rights David,

In my youth, I was alone most of the time
and enjoyed my resultant autonomy
(not to imply that when my parents were around that thay interfered with it).
To the extent that it is feasible,
I wish to extend personal freedom n autonomy to other people in their youth.
Obviously, this cannot apply to babies.
I have in mind people in their youth who can at least engage in
an intelligible conversation. To them, I 'd respect their natural rights to vote
and to all other rights recognized in the US Constitution, including its Bill of Rights.

I very seldom practice discrimination on the basis of age (old or young).
I believe that young people have the natural and decent right to as much
respect as anyone else. Tho I am old, I have never believed that this
entitles anyone to greater respect; (I am not a Chinaman).


but i was wrong.

U r good at that; it comes with enuf practice.

You are a disgusting piece of ****,
no doubt in my mind

U thereby define what is in your mind;
no doubt about it.

If you can't see the wrong in child pornography,
it is no one else' s fault or problem - and up to no one else
to have to deal with whatever it is that has cost you your empathy
and compassion.

This is addressed to whomever reads this.
It is not likely that Endymion will have the mental acuity
to understand this:
I have striven in vain to get a definition of "child porn."
Depending upon what is meant
by that term it is morally OK or morally bad.
and that NO ONE morally needs any permission from anyone for this.

If "child porn." as used in this discussion,
means the product of EXTORTED labor, being FORCED to pose
or even worse to be subjected to RAPE, then it is bad; outrageous as
applied to any person of ANY age.

If "child porn." is defined in this discussion as a child kissing someone,
or showing a dog exposing a girl's rear end on a billboard to sell suntan oil,
or a picture of a boy learing lustfully at a picture of Brigitte Bardot
(who has my admiration) as he sneaks into one of her movies:
I see nothing rong with that (assuming that the theater 'd not sell him a ticket).


If, as the kids on the train that I mentioned elsewhere in this discussion,
children choose to raise funds for their delights
by going into the photografy business selling sexual images of themselves
or of one another, thay r perfectly within their natural right to freedom of contract.

Will someone explain exactly HOW
a kid is "ABUSED" if he or she takes sexual pictures
of himself or herself and sells them for profit ??
Will her hair fall out ? Will he get a broken bone ?

Thay have their natural right to laissez faire free enterprize
and if anyone does not like it, that 's his tuff luck.
When I was a kid, I 'm sure that I was too ugly to sell any and I never
thought of that, but if I cud have I probably wud have for ez cash
(but I had cash without that anyway).

No one here has to explain their human instinct to protect children

I rise to the defense
of all of their natural rights, INCLUDING protecting themselves.
When I was 8, I began to protect myself with a .38 Smith & Wesson Model 36 Revolver
that I carried by day and by nite. I have been vocal in my support
of their natural rights to self defense, the same as anyone else.

The natural right of self defense is NOT dependent upon age.

Every person of any age has a natural right
to avoid posing for pictures, if he or she does not choose to do so,
which is defended by the 13th Amendment US Constitution.

No one here has to explain why the exploitation and sexulisation
of the child image is a direct attack on ALL children

Pictures of children who have been MURDERED
have been shown repeatedly on the news.
How many TIMES have we been subjected to pictures of Jon Benet Ramsey ??
Tiring n tedious, yet it had no effect whatsoever
on children elsewhere in America or elsewhere.
Endymion is projecting his or her own hysteria upon the juvenile populace of the world,
and he or she will make no attempt to explain the concept,
because it is unexplainable nonsense.

If you condone the abuse of children then you are a nonce

I do not condone abuse of old people.
I do not condone abuse of middle aged people.
I do not condone abuse of children.
I am skeptical that taking anyone 's picture is abusive
(tho the person photografed may well be rightfully entitled to a cut of profits of sale).

And that goes for anyone else out there who lacks the moral fibre
to do the right thing by young people.

I tried to get a definition of what that is.
I suggest that it is freedom in laissez faire free enterprize for anyone.
THAT is moral and natural.

There are no exceptions.
It IS about putting children before adults. For all our sakes.

One thing u CAN 'T rightfully do
is screw the children out of their rights
in the name of "putting children before adults . . . "
as thay were screwed out of their natural right to vote at election time.

Most of the rest of the post that I am answering is
the bloviation of mindless hysteria that cannot be addressed with logic.

There is some mention of greed.
I support greed.
I am certainly proudly selfish ( since age 0 ) and a seeker of pleasure; more of THAT!
Everyone shud be.

Most of the rest is mindless, emotionless junk.
I don 't choose to bother with it.

Years ago, I used to answer the mail for one of the Governors of NY.
We got garbage like that day after day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 11:00 pm
boomerang wrote:
I posted yesterday of my remembering overhearing around 15 years ago,
a group of boys on a train who looked around maybe 12 years old
discussing their business of selling such photografy that thay took
of themselves; laffing about not paying taxes on it.

Oh believe me, we all saw that idiotic post.

I'm sure they were all boy scouts and you threw a pocketful of change
onto the floor so they could joyously scramble around at your generosity.


Point of Information, Boomer:
HOW was it idiotic ?

Your scorn is duly noted,
and of course, as a result of it,
I will change my philosophy
to bring it into accord with yours on every point.

It is against my philosophy to throw coins on trains for security reasons;
I don 't wanna cause any robberies upon my intended beneficiaries.
(I also don 't do parking lots.)

However, I did that to some Scouts seated on a bench
in the Bronx Zoo some time in the 1990s; thay seemed to like it.

Kids also seem to like it
when u drop cash onto grass from hot air balloons.
(Give it a shot; lemme know how it turns out; no nickels or pennies, tho.)

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 02:13 am
dlowan wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
dlowan wrote:

agrote wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I think you don't because it was not immediately apparent to you that jerking off to pictures of children being abused was wrong.

Am I correct to assume that you subscribe to the view that actions can be "just wrong" because they "just feel wrong"?

No matter how I feel about an action, if I can't see that it has harmful consequences, then I can't condemn it.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me that jerking off to pictures of children being abused ran the risk of giving financial incentives for people to keep abusing children (to make more child porn).

This had nothing to do with my supposed lack of empathy. It had to do with my ignorance about how people make money on the internet.

You needed goddess knows how many pages of persuasion, in order to "pretty much" make some concession....and yet you are still arguing the point, as far as I can see.

What point am I 'still' arguing? I thought I was arguing the point that I'm not a heartless bastard. This is a new point.

All that argument and drama is not necessary to someone with the tiniest amount of empathy for the victims.

The point is that my ignorance about the internet led me to believe that there were no victims of the crime of viewing child porn. I couldn't see a causal link between looking at child porn and somebody abusing a child. On my mistaken assumption that nobody profits when you look at images on a website, there were no victims for me to have the tiniest amount of empathy for. I had empathy for the victims of abuse, but I wasn't talking about abuse. I was talking about looking at photos of abuse; not taking photos of abuse. I thought that lookign was a victimless crime, and hence empathy for victims just didn't come into it.



No...I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that actions can be wrong because they just feel wrong...

And you are cementing my views about your lack of empathy as I speak.

From David (in blue font):
It looks like u believe that the EMOTIONS
of another person r your business, that he is accountable for them.
I wonder where u got THAT idea ?


Where empathy ought to have stopped your ridiculous arguments
in their tracks was at the level of how victims feel at knowing people
are jerking off to their abuse.

From David (in blue font):

I posted yesterday of my remembering overhearing around 15 years ago,
a group of boys on a train who looked around maybe 12 years old
discussing their business of selling such photografy that thay took
of themselves; laffing about not paying taxes on it.

Tho I cud not read their minds,
thay did not appear distressed about being ABUSED by their enterprize.

U think Marilyn Monroe felt ABUSED after her appearance in Playboy ?
Maybe she shuda sued Hef ? U think ?

P.S.: U can t disprove nor discredit anyone 's arguments
by just calling them ridiculous.
That does not count.
Any person can call any of your arguments "ridiculous" no matter how good thay may be.


Oh David.... you occupy some weird ground beyond ridiculous.

All we can do is look at you and pity.

Notice that I AM participating in this discussion on the basis
of logical analysis of different propositions and facts,
whereas u only offer the most vague subjective conclusions.

Your pity is of no use to me; keep it
or give it to some homeless bum; I don't want it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 02:15 am
Stay away from my daughter you demented f@ck.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 02:18 am
Wilso wrote:
Stay away from my daughter you demented f@ck.

Be damned.
Henceforward, I will no longer read anything u post.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 05:58 am
Intrepid wrote:
agrote wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I will not be deflected therefrom by ad hominem insults.

Not ad hominem. I'm not addressing your views about child porn. I am pursuing the tangential line of argument that you have an incredibly annoying way of writing, and I therefore have good reason to disassociate myself from you. My 'insults' support my claim that you have an annoying way of writing.

Even the sickos that hold similar views on child pornography can't get along. It seems to reflect on their argumentative nature regardless of the subject.

It seems to reflect on the fact that David has an annoying way of writing.

Do you wish to deny that David has an annoying way of writing?

You seem determined to distort everything I say - regardless of the subject - until it conforms to your profile of me as something rotten.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 06:04 am
Wilso wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
Wilso wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
one very sick puppy.

I guess that 's the best u can do; offer a veterinary diagnosis.

No, you're a sick piece of sh!t. The sooner someone uses one of those millions of US guns to put a bullet in your damaged brain, the better off the world will be.

I find it very interesting that the standard a2k response when somebody makes a good argument for a position that is morally troubling is to wish the messenger dead, or silence. Where is the atta-boy for making a good point, for directing us all to an area of interest that DEMANDS debate, for providing a juicy bit for our minds to chew on?? Where are the arguments to refute the ones that cause discomfort? Why the dishonest response of attacking the one who speaks truth rather than admitting to all the the truth is uncomfortable?

Here is to hoping that we can all do better in the future.

I haven't seen a good argument for their position. There is NO good argument for their position. Endy is completely correct. OmSig is a dangerous psychopath. He needs to be either put down, or put away.

Oh come on, let's be realistic. He's probably not a dangerous psychopath. He just writes like an idiot, and probably leads quite a lonely life.

And it isn't wise to shut yourself off to the possibility that there is a good argument for a position that you disagree with. It's enough to say that you haven't seen a good argument. Dangerous to conclude that "therefore, there isn't one and could never be one."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 06:10 am
dlowan wrote:
agrote wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I think you don't because it was not immediately apparent to you that jerking off to pictures of children being abused was wrong.

Am I correct to assume that you subscribe to the view that actions can be "just wrong" because they "just feel wrong"?

No matter how I feel about an action, if I can't see that it has harmful consequences, then I can't condemn it.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me that jerking off to pictures of children being abused ran the risk of giving financial incentives for people to keep abusing children (to make more child porn).

This had nothing to do with my supposed lack of empathy. It had to do with my ignorance about how people make money on the internet.

You needed goddess knows how many pages of persuasion, in order to "pretty much" make some concession....and yet you are still arguing the point, as far as I can see.

What point am I 'still' arguing? I thought I was arguing the point that I'm not a heartless bastard. This is a new point.

All that argument and drama is not necessary to someone with the tiniest amount of empathy for the victims.

The point is that my ignorance about the internet led me to believe that there were no victims of the crime of viewing child porn. I couldn't see a causal link between looking at child porn and somebody abusing a child. On my mistaken assumption that nobody profits when you look at images on a website, there were no victims for me to have the tiniest amount of empathy for. I had empathy for the victims of abuse, but I wasn't talking about abuse. I was talking about looking at photos of abuse; not taking photos of abuse. I thought that lookign was a victimless crime, and hence empathy for victims just didn't come into it.


No...I don't necessarily subscribe to the view that actions can be wrong because they just feel wrong...

And you are cementing my views about your lack of empathy as I speak.

Where empathy ought to have stopped your ridiculous arguments in their tracks was at the level of how victims feel at knowing people are jerking off to their abuse.

That's an important issue, but it shouldn't have stopped my arguments in their tracks. If you access images of a child being abused, it is unlikely that the child is going to know that you have done this. Knowing that his/her abuse has been photographed, the child may grow up to assume that images of his/her abuse are being used as pornography. But if they are going to assume that without knowing it, then they will assume it regardless of whether their pictures actually are being used in this way. Your action of accessing the pictures is not likely to add to the child's trauma.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 06:26 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Wilso wrote:
Stay away from my daughter you demented f@ck.

Be damned.
Henceforward, I will no longer read anything u post.


You think I care about the opinion of a sick piece of sh!t like you. So long as you stay away from kids you scum sucking pr!ck then your life and opinion mean nothing to me. Why don't you do the world a favour and eat one of those guns you need to replace your lack of a cock?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 06:35 am

Child-Porn Victim Brings Her Story to Washington
Teen Shares Her Horrific Experiences at Congressional Hearing Targeting Online Porn
Aug. 31, 2006

There are approximately 3 million images of child pornography on the Internet.

As large as that number may seem, it can be a sad, abstract and faceless statistic.

In May, Masha Allen, a Russian-born 13-year-old, put a face on child pornography and its victims when she testified before Congress.

She revealed the horrific pain behind those numbers in written testimony that described her experiences as a victim of online child molestation and pornography.
Masha thought she was heading for a better life in America when she was adopted in 1998 by Matthew Mancuso, who brought the 8-year-old to his home in Pittsburgh.

Instead, she became a victim of child pornography as Mancuso adopted her with the purpose of molesting her and using her to produce pornographic photos, which he would then share with others.

She appeared in more than 200 explicit photos that circulated on the Internet.

Masha's image caught the attention of authorities, who ultimately tracked her down and arrested Mancuso, removing her from his custody.

He was convicted in 2003 of distributing child pornography online and received a 35-year prison sentence on federal pornography charges, while facing additional charges.

The Horror Continues

Masha is now safe and with a new family. Mancuso is in prison.

She told Congress' Energy and Commerce Committee at its fourth such hearing this year that her horror hadn't ended.

"Because Matthew put my pictures on the Internet, the abuse is still going on," she said to legislators. "You have to do something about the Internet," she wrote. "Matthew found the adoption agency on the Internet. They let him look at my pictures from Russia on the Internet even though they didn't really know anything about him."

"Matthew put my pictures on the Internet after he got me. People are still downloading them even though he has been in prison for two years," Masha said.

Masha first told her story to "Primetime" in an effort to help other victims.

She thanked correspondent John Quinones twice in her written testimony to Congress for helping to bring her story "to the whole world."
In her "Primetime" interview, she told ABC News she felt Mancuso "stole" her childhood.

"He took away five years of my life that I could never get back," Masha said.

She also urged other victims to seek help.

"Even if they are afraid to tell somebody, no matter what they think is going to happen, it's going to be for the better," she said. "If they tell somebody, it's going to change."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 07:15 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

If, as the kids on the train that I mentioned elsewhere in this discussion,
children choose to raise funds for their delights
by going into the photografy business selling sexual images of themselves
or of one another, thay r perfectly within their natural right to freedom of contract.

Will someone explain exactly HOW
a kid is "ABUSED" if he or she takes sexual pictures
of himself or herself and sells them for profit ??
Will her hair fall out ? Will he get a broken bone ?

"Children choose to...[sell] sexual images of themselves."
Well, eliminating the age of consent would certainly stop the crimes of child pornography and statutory rape.

You're a strange bird, David. How many drugs did you have to take to get your brain in the state it is?
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