Re: Yes, it is wrong to view child pornography.
DrewDad wrote:It doesn't matter where you get it.
It doesn't matter if you pay for it.
Do u mean that its OK if u
ROB someone of it,
at the point of a knife or a broken bottle ?
It doesn't matter if anyone knows about it.
Well, if u
DO rob someone of it,
then shud the police take a professional interest in the felony ?
It is created through abusing children.
It is wrong to enjoy looking at images of children being abused. Period.
Thank u for that information.
Will u clarify it a little ?
If a child is a sufficient entrepreneur that he takes the initiative
to cleverly use mirrors and tripods to photograf himself
in such conditions as he or she deems most likely
to engage and entrain a market for his or her wares,
that come within the defintion of the subject matter hereof,
is he
ABUSED if he succeeds in his or her financial strategy ?
If so, will u explain
how ?
Can we all move on, now?
OK; where 'd u like to go ?