Wilso wrote:You are without question the single most despicable piece of worthless f@cking scum that has never been arrested. I don't care if I get banned. A2K has lost the plot if it's going to allow evil slime sucking filth like you to continue to spread your disease on it's pages. Nobody believes this is a mere psychological exercise on your part. We can only hope that you caught, arrested, imprisoned, and spend as many years as possible getting your arse reamed in prison before dying a long painful death. Such an outcome would still be too good for you.
talking and pondering do not spread anything but ideas. If you fear certain ideas enough that you think that the speakers are evil, should be imprisoned, are slime yadda, yadda, yadda you are betraying a lack of faith in your positions. If you can't make a better argument then your position should lose, and if there are societal negative moral ramifications to you having the weaker argument then we will need to deal with that, but we should not let our glasses distort our vision.
You would think that in 2008 after watching Americans give away much of our liberty and squandering our former position as the worlds sole superpower BECAUSE we have for so long let our leaders manipulate our fears that we would wise the f*ck up, learn that letting our fear determine our thought process and our actions is a 100% sure way to fail at everything that we do. Sadly, we are not there yet.