squinney wrote:"Don't loan money to anyone"
"Give what you can spare as a gift."
That is SO the conflicting views they've been presnted all of their lives. I don't loan and Bear doesn't gift. We were raised under different circumstances entirely, so I get the differences in views. Just funny to see them follow each other here.
It was dadpad's post that hit me the wrong way and twigged me to make my counter post. I don't think the two sentiments necessarily conflict, I just thought the first one was incomplete. Making loans (particularly loans of money) is a surefire way of ruining a friendship. Giving gifts (even if those gifts are opportunities) without expectation of any return leaves both parties free from any burden of repayment. Gifts come from the heart and, agreeing with bear, there are more ways to give gifts than financially. I don't like to make loans either - financial or otherwise. It puts an expectation of return to repay a debt. My preference is that kids are taught to give what they can spare, be it money, time, used books or clothing, or any number of other things simply because there are those who can benefit from whatever they no longer need or have in excess.
I've explained here previously that the only thing anyone ever gave me was a strong moral code and an opportunity to succeed. It was 100% up to me whether to run with that opportunity or walk away from it. I chose to run with it and have been blessed in many ways since. My gift of choice is the same one - provide support in helping someone succeed on their own. There are numerous ways to define success. My own definition is to leave the world a better place (in whatever small way you choose to make a difference) than it was before you came. Others have different definitions which generally revolve around income, status, career, or a combination of any of those. Some of those definitions bother me a great deal since they tend to focus on the self rather than those around us.
Different people have different things they can give. Some have time but no money, others have money but no time, some have both, some have neither. Individuals have different things they can give at different times in their lives. It doesn't matter what it is, but giving what you can spare as a gift with no expectation of a return is central to everything I believe in.