Gen. Clark and That POW Thing McCain Hates Talking About

Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:39 am
mysteryman wrote:
JTT wrote...

Why do you suppose it is that McCain fell all over himself to normalize relations with Vietnam, a communist country, and yet he doesn't feel that way towards Cuba?

How many Americans are missing in Cuba?
What better way to find out where those Americans are then to normalize relationa and start having tourists all over the country?

Yup, they'll all take their little garden trowels with them and traipse off into the jungle searching for bones.

And interestingly, McCain isn't interested in pursuing that line at all. Again, why is he anxious to cover this up? Maybe the Vietnamese have a lot of film, other evidence that could be highly embarrassing, at the least, to him.
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Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:49 am
JTT wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
JTT wrote...

Why do you suppose it is that McCain fell all over himself to normalize relations with Vietnam, a communist country, and yet he doesn't feel that way towards Cuba?

How many Americans are missing in Cuba?
What better way to find out where those Americans are then to normalize relationa and start having tourists all over the country?

Yup, they'll all take their little garden trowels with them and traipse off into the jungle searching for bones.

And interestingly, McCain isn't interested in pursuing that line at all. Again, why is he anxious to cover this up? Maybe the Vietnamese have a lot of film, other evidence that could be highly embarrassing, at the least, to him.

Unfortunately, no President since the war ended has pursued that line.
How many missing Americans were found during the Clinton admin, or either Bush admin, or the Carter admin, or the Reagan admin?

Answer ....ZERO

So for you to only mention McCain seems disingenous at best.
As for the Vietnamese having film about McCain, so what?
The Vietnamese were known for their abuse of prisoners, and if they have film of McCain, it must be viewed thru the prism of history and what was happening at the time.

I'm not defending any of the actions he took, but I must give him the benefit of the doubt.
Unless you have been in that situation, you cant know how you will react.
And none of us have been in that situation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2008 11:33 am
engineer wrote:
Sure he is speaking for himself. No doubt about it. The question to me is "is he qualified to speak on the issue?" I think his background makes him qualified. There are others who are qualified who McCain will trot out as well. I'm not qualified. Neither are any of the talk-show hosts of any persuasion who will comment on this episode.

It's Clark's arrogance and hypocrisy that goads me. He'll use the fact that he himself has progressed further in the military and commanded larger organizations in pseudo-combat to assess himself worthy to make negative judgements of McCain. He overly touts his own personal experiences as qualifications to be president but discounts McCain's different but arguably comparable or even superior experiences. And none of the arguments he makes can be used to promote Obama as the superior candidate, making him a very poor spokesman as well.

I'd argue that Clark is eminently qualified to judge whether McCain would be a good Cdr, SHAPE, but has no more authority to judge whether McCain would be a good president than you or I.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 12:52 am
There are a couple of interesting aspects of this story:

1) Clearly the Democrats have taken a page from Karl Rove's playbook and are trying to attack McCain through his greatest strength. Funny how Rove, the diabolical scumbag, can be instructing the Democratic nominees campaign.

2) Do you think Obama and his surrogates get together before these attacks and have something like the following discussion.

OBAMA: Go for his throat! Rip the Old Fart's heart out.

CLARK: Wow, God knows I'm ambitious but he is a fellow serviceman and I actually have a tremendous amount of respect for the guy's personal sacrifice, even though I think he's an arrogant little ****. Beside's there's an unwritten rule in the military --- we don't question each other's service. Remember McCain refused to question Kerry's.

OBAMA: Do you want to be Secretary of Defense?

CLARK: You know I do, and lord knows you'll need someone in your cabinet who knows which way to point a gun, but I just don't know.

OBAMA: Wes if you won't do the job, there's always Jim Webb.

CLARK: OK, OK. I'll do it.

OBAMA: Now you realize that I will have to denounce your comments. This kind of hatchet work can't stick to me. And when I do, you need to just eat it and not come back with any crap that as one of my surrogates you would never say anything on a Sunday talk show that had not been vetted by the campaign. Don't get sloppy on me Wes.

CLARK: No way Barrack.

OBAMA: Don't worry, by the time I'm elected everyone will have forgotten this dust-up and if not you can count on me to smooth it over. Hell, I can talk a virgin out of her hymen.

CLARK: Yeah, or you can just pick Webb.

OBAMA: What was that Wes?

CLARK: Nothing Barrack. You the man, Yes we can!
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