Wed 10 Sep, 2003 06:21 pm
So this past weekend, my sister, Slapparina Doo Hoo got married. Good times had by all. Nice weather, Nana didn't smoke crack in front of the newly acquired side of the family, and two words: open bar.
However, I was wondering about how to "tip" the priest. After I gave him a tip, somebody said most people just give a donation to the church.
I gave him a picture of a little league team. About 14 boys. Figured he'd appreciate that. Was that so wrong?
You never fail to invoke a smile, Slappy. Thanks!
Tricky Dicky is at it again:)
You did the right thing Slappy ;-)
No wonder Slappy never posts anymore... he tries to be all provocative 'n' shocking 'n' stuff and just he gets a bunch of women cooing over how cute he is.
$85 million ought to do it, Slap.
As long as you don't tip the altar, that's what they told me...
I never gave tipping the officiator much thought ... then again, I ain't fond of either marryin's or burryin's. I've always been scrupulous, however, about appropriately tipping the entertainment at the bachelor party ...some things are just plain right, after all.
man slappys mom was the entertainment at the batchelor party, I wouldn't tip that but apparently slappy gave a lil more then $1 bills as a tip.
Of course. Didn't you know I'm from West Virginia?
margo wrote:Slappy - you didn't "marry" your sister, did you? 
Now, Slappy, the open bar... Drive in or walk up and crawl away?