Sun 22 Jun, 2008 04:22 pm
Haven't had any pan medication yet today, had some valium just to keep me relaxed,the hardest part is looking in the mirror casue I look like something out of a horror flick...I am all swollen and bruised but I am told the procedure was 100% successful and I will look awesome in about a month and even better three months out.
Today is the last day at the recovery house,the women here have been fantastic and they have a great video library, today I watched Maria Full of Grace and Better than Chocolate.
Tomorrow I get my eyelid stitches out and I am hoping to get my staples out bfoer next Saturday and walk in the Dyke March.
In lliu of flowers,you can make a donation to Barck Obama .
i gotta ask you
you are willing to post this kind of information, yet you balk when someone says something about your sex change.
Have you gotten the point yet that we dont care?
We take you as you are...... vagina or not..
But, we do want pictures of the face lift.
Roxxanne, if you had a complete face lift, wouldn't a blephoraplasty be redundant?
shewolfnm wrote:so
i gotta ask you
you are willing to post this kind of information, yet you balk when someone says something about your sex change.
Have you gotten the point yet that we dont care?
We take you as you are...... vagina or not..
I never had a sex change. And my vagina is just fine, thank you. Well, much better than fine according to my GF.
Roxxxanne wrote:shewolfnm wrote:so
i gotta ask you
you are willing to post this kind of information, yet you balk when someone says something about your sex change.
Have you gotten the point yet that we dont care?
We take you as you are...... vagina or not..
I never had a sex change. And my vagina is just fine, thank you. Well, much better than fine according to my GF.
Roxxxanne, excuse me but I'm mightily confused. Were you born a woman?
Get detailed procedural information on facelifts
If you are bothered by the signs of aging in your face, a facelift may be right for you.
Technically known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:
* Sagging in the midface
* Deep creases below the lower eyelids
* Deep creases between the nose and mouth
* Fat that has fallen or is displaced
* Loss of muscle tone in the lower face that may create jowls
* Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw
A facelift is designed to correct all of these aging features, restoring a more youthful, rested appearance with uplifted contours and improved tone in facial skin and underlying muscle.
Procedural steps: Typical incisions begin within the hairline, above the temple and continue along or just inside the ear, ending behind the ear. This allows access to tighten underlying tissue, remove excess fat and reduce sagging skin.
A second incision under the chin is sometimes necessary. If skin tone is good and only mid-face aging or excess fat in the neck will be corrected, abbreviated techniques with shorter incisions may be used. Liposuction techniques may assist with removal of fat deposits.
Your results: Swelling and bruising should subside within 2-4 weeks. Final results may be apparent in 1-2 months. Incision lines will continue to refine and fade for 1 year.
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Woman with Eyelid SurgeryEyelid Surgery
Get detailed procedural information on eyelid surgery
Cosmetic eyelid surgery, called blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, restoring firmness to the area surrounding the eyes and making you look more rested and alert.
Specifically, eyelid surgery can treat:
* Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or hides the natural contour of the upper eyelid
* Excess skin that hangs down from the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
* Excess fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids
* Bags under the eyes
* Droopiness of the lower eyelids, showing white below the iris
* Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid
Procedural steps: An incision within the natural crease of the upper eyelid allows access to remove excess skin, muscle and underlying fatty tissue. Using an incision inside the lower eyelid, fat is removed or redistributed and muscle modified to correct a baggy lower eyelid.
An incision just below the lower lash line allows excess skin to be removed. Laser resurfacing may be used to smooth lower lid skin.
Your results: Bruising should subside in 5-10 days and swelling should subside in 2-4 weeks. Final results may appear in 1-2 months. Incision lines will continue to refine and fade for 1 year.
I don't care about anyone's sexuality.
I had a chin tuck in my forties. I sneak up on seventy. From my present age, I look at myself as out of my mind then.
I'd lost weight and had a three fold neck wattle going on, where I was used to, if not liking, the family chin tire. I had reasons within my marriage to consider surgery, and a friend ten years older had the op and she looked way better than she had before. I wasn't afraid of surgery, I had the money and did it. I looked great for a while.
Anyone who has had this stuff done can see it from a mile away, say in the grocery store line. Even at the time, of course, I had qualms overridden by bravura, qualms of varied sorts.
Since I've gotten over all that and let the rest of my flaccidity be natural, it's confusing to Others which part of an aging facial messola is from sewing.
That's good, as I'd like to erase that I did that.
Another pal, though, is getting to look like old movie stars.
I don't mean that as a dump, Roxxxanne - just that multiple efforts... only make the faux look worse. You've done it, enjoy it, and then let it go.
Im sorry. But I have been on the board long enough I know you started out a man. I am not an idiot.
it is no issue though . REALLY it isnt.
I am not trying to turn this into a fight, or otherwise make you feel bad. So I will touch on that no more.
I just really want you to hear it, get it, and know it... that it does not matter who you started out as.
I hope your surgery went well and that you are pleased with the results and that you are back on the dance floor in no time enjoying yourself.
I agree totally with what shewolf said, but I'd much rather you were honest with us. If you started out as a man, how could you have a vagina if you didn't have a sex change operation? Or was it just a sex operation? Excuse me but I'm really not up on all this. Could you explain?
Roxxxanne wrote:I never had a sex change. ...
Translation: I was born a "woman," so the many operations didn't "change" my sexuality.
Roxxxanne wrote:... casue I look like something out of a horror flick...
I'm gonna just let that one speak for itself.
Roxxxanne is not comfortable yet that many of us are fine with her as she is.. far as I can figure.
I've been here all along and have been observant all along.
I can imagine the fear and reluctance, and various hostilities.
and the tauntings, well, feed.
Not that you are taunting, Mame. You're just damned pokey, as usual.
Roxxxanne, in looking back at your previous posts, you had major
cosmetic surgery just 2 years ago. Why again, if at all?
And yes, you did start out as a man - I have seen you in person!
So don't pretend everyone else is stupid!
ossobuco wrote:Hello?
Roxxxanne is not comfortable yet that many of us are fine with her as she is.. far as I can figure.
I've been here all along and have been observant all along.
I can imagine the fear and reluctance, and various hostilities.
and the tauntings, well, feed.
Not that you are taunting, Mame. You're just damned pokey, as usual.
I don't think I'm pokey, Osso, but if someone puts stuff out there on a public board that contradicts itself, naturally I'm curious. I would just like clarification. I don't CARE which way is up or down, but I would like to have an honest interaction with Roxxx.
I don't mean to shun pokey, that's part of why I like you...
but we do have a person in apparent denial (you can all look up all the posts to explain my view).
but, hey, she clings to this for her own reasons. I do care about roxx and would like her to equilibrate over time. I'm not so sure an a2k sliceroni is a good idea.
I did not mean to open a can of worms.
I was just stating the obvious and pointing out that no one here is an idiot. We all know about the sex change.. yet....everyone still posts with Roxx.. still makes jokes with Roxx and all around accepts Roxx.
I wish that acceptance was not so hard to swallow
I really do.
ossobuco wrote:I don't mean to shun pokey, that's part of why I like you...
but we do have a person in apparent denial (you can all look up all the posts to explain my view).
but, hey, she clings to this for her own reasons. I do care about roxx and would like her to equilibrate over time. I'm not so sure an a2k sliceroni is a good idea.
I agree, and I certainly didn't intend that. I withdraw everything - it's not worth it to make someone uncomfortable.
If Roxxxanne would feel uncomfortable she wouldn't post all that crap
here openly. Whatever she does, I don't care, but don't sell me a nickel
pretending it's a dollar.