Sun 15 Jun, 2008 10:35 am
i cant figure out what language this is to attempt to translate it..
Looks Scandinavian, to me.
I dont have a way to translate that language.
It's Swedish, even though it's on a site located in Niue, South Pacific.
Translation of the first paragraph:
"On 18 June the Swedish Parliament will vote on imposing the interception of all Swedish citizens. Defence Radioanstalt (FRA) be instructed to intercept all cable communications crossing the borders of Sweden."
Yeah, I think there's a site called Babylon that you can download. Babelfish doesn't do Scandinavian languages, unfortunately.
I don't know if you have to pay, though. Ah, here's a 7 day free-trial:
I believe it's Swedish shewolf, and as far as I can make out, it's something about intercepting all cable communications that cross the borders of Sweden. The Swedish Parliament is going to vote on it on June 18th.
Chai wrote:I believe it's Swedish shewolf, and as far as I can make out, it's something about intercepting all cable communications that cross the borders of Sweden. The Swedish Parliament is going to vote on it on June 18th.
You are a polymath, Chai.
Ticomaya wrote:Chai wrote:I believe it's Swedish shewolf, and as far as I can make out, it's something about intercepting all cable communications that cross the borders of Sweden. The Swedish Parliament is going to vote on it on June 18th.
You are a polymath, Chai.
Nah, she's mind-melding Francis.
Is there supposed to be a hyphen between mind and melding?
Only when it is active...
well, I just woke up from a nap, and won't be active for a little while.
hold on, I think there's a message trying to come across my border.
I'll be back in a minute, have to intercept it.
Re: what language is this?
There is a little icon on the right upper corner (GB flag) for a translation.
Here is the translated link