Sat 7 Jun, 2008 12:40 pm
Newsweek recently ran an article on BIID ( Have you heard of this?
It seems that some people have a disorder that causes them to identify a body part as NOT belonging to their own body. They go to great lenghts to remove the body part - amputating it, shooting it off, traveling to underground doctors to have it removed, all kinds of extremes.
Research is finding that people with BIID do have a different structure to their brains. People suffering from BIID want to have it recognized as a genuine mental disorder so that they can safely and legally have the limb removed; they say nothing else, not therapy, not medication, not anything else works.
When I think of a doctor's oath of "first do no harm" I can't imagine any of them ever agreeing to remove a healthy limb. But when I read about this disorder and what people are willing to do to be rid of their body part I do have to wonder if a doctor's denial is more harmful.
What do you think?
Though doctors here did never took or take any oath (see history of
primun non noscere, it's indeed a question: is the wish to amputate an autonomous desire or a neuro-psychiatric disorder.
On the one hand, I could agree with an amputation for patients with BIID, if they cannot be treated through psychotherapy or medication.
On the other side, you only amputate once ...
does LIPOSUCTION fall into this category - fat is part of the body , isn't it ?
I have a desire to remove a wart. Can I enter this conversation?
yes , gus , i would think your wart would be most a welcome addition to the "body parts deposit" .
any excess fat you want to throw in while your at it ?
I have no fat. I am sculpted.
I am like a bronze statue. It is my cross to bear.
Mame wrote:gustavratzenhofer wrote:I am like a bronze statue. It is my cross to bear.
Is this you, gus?
I don't think so - some time ago, when he wanted to bribe me, Gus send me a perfect bronze image, handmade by his deputy goat shepherd ...
Is it my imagination or is there a small man with a face painted black and resembling Dick Cheney trying to escape from the head of that penis?
Look at it! That is Cheney!
I feel a little embarrassed noticing that, because you guys are going to say, "Why the hell was Gus looking at that penis?", but, and I swear to you, there are only so many things to look at on a statue, and the penis was right there, and then I saw Cheney and.... Jesus! what did I get myself into here?
Into the swamp, what else!
gus :
what did you call that "appendage" ? ... ... NO , you must be kidding !
Good lord. It's gotten to where a girl can't even go outside to admire her man jackhammer away the driveway without you rascals showing up with your fat and your warts and your Dick Cheney faced penis heads.
<shakes head>
There will be no dessert for any of you tonight.
boomerang wrote:WHAT THE HELL!?
Good lord. It's gotten to where a girl can't even go outside to admire her man jackhammer away the driveway without you rascals showing up with your fat and your warts and your Dick Cheney faced penis heads.
There will be no dessert for any of you tonight.
Jackhammering-admiring women from the NorthWest have no place on this thread.
Back off.
Enough of the backsass, Mister, or you'll be missing a lot more than dessert.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
Is it my imagination or is there a small man with a face painted black and resembling Dick Cheney trying to escape from the head of that penis?
Look at it! That is Cheney!
That is the smallest pee pee I ever saw. And I heard that Cheney was the biggest p**ick in Washington.
Take a good look at that penis, sglass. Whose face are we seeing staring from the tip?
It is freaky, to me at least.
There is some sort of Washington political figure staring back at us, haunting us, and it really is a bit disconcerting.