You really have to have sympathy for the poor guy. All our criticism is hindering his ability to lie. Now I guess we'll be called unpatriotic for questioning governmental policies and actions.
For the complete story, read here.
Rumsfeld: Criticism of Bush Strengthens U.S. Foes
Monday, September 8, 2003; 11:16 AM
By Tabassum Zakaria
SHANNON, Ireland (Reuters) -
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Monday opposition to the U.S. President was encouraging Washington's enemies and hindering his 'war against terrorism'.
Rumsfeld was speaking after a trip to Afghanistan and Iraq where he sought to highlight progress on reconstruction efforts and dampen criticism of the U.S. presence there and the almost daily casualties in a guerrilla campaign against occupation.
He said if Washington's enemies believed Bush might waver or his opponents prevail, that could increase support for their activities.
"They take heart in that and that leads to more money going into these activities or that leads to more recruits or that leads to more encouragement or that leads to more staying power," he told reporters traveling with him on his plane.
"Obviously that does make our task more difficult."
"Terrorists studied...instances when the United States was dealt a blow and tucked in, and persuaded themselves that they could in fact cause us to acquiesce in whatever it is they wanted to do," he said. "The United States is not going to do that, President (George W.) Bush is not going to do that."