Serbian Terms of Endearment
Monger wrote:Hi CT54531,
"Mama" would work fine, or Mamica (pronounced Mamitza). When calling to her a kid may say Mamice (Matmitzeh).
Dusho moja means literally "my soul," but it's used like "sweetheart" or such. For the mother, sine means son, ceri is an endearing form of "daughter."
What's the book about? I hope I'm not helping write a book against Serbs

I promise you it is not a diatribe against the Serbs. This is going to sound like a commercial but I understand your concern and want to give a good response. My books have a strong international legal flavor and I use real situations with the characters I've created. The first book ("Bargained for Exchange") was about terrorists infiltrating universities to support their networks (written five years before 9/11). The second ("Art & Part") had the Lockerbie trial as background to the mystery/thriller plot. This one ("A Grave Breach") has the war crimes trials in the Hague as the core of the story but again it's a story about people in the context of broader events. Again, not to sound too much like a commercial but if you want to check
Edit (Moderator): Do not post links to your site you might get a sense of the books. And. rather than take up too much space here, if you want to e-mail me at that site, I can give you more details. As for the specific inquiry here, it involves a flashback to WWII NE Bosnia and a young Serbian mother and her daughter are very sympathetic characters, I assure you.
Again, thanks for the help.