Sex/nudity on TV for Children

Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 03:32 pm
i wonder what everyones thoughts on this are

"the male role in sex, the female role in sex,"

varies person to person perhaps?
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 03:38 pm
OGIONIK wrote:
i wonder what everyones thoughts on this are

"the male role in sex, the female role in sex,"

varies person to person perhaps?

Start a new thread please. We haven't moved on from Sesame Street yet.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 03:45 pm
Laughing Laughing

You just wanna see people having sex with puppets don'cha?
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 03:56 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
but I hope that you mean 'not appropriate' in the sense that it is not appropriate to read Shakespeare to a cat

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say innapropriate.

I have no problems with kids seeing naked people. I dont understand the issue there either. Nudity is only 'strange' because of the minds of the churches that dot our horizon to death.

Sorry shewolf, I've just realised that I was confusing you with boomerang and making false assumptions about your views.

I take back all the bits where I was implying that you were prudish or sexually conservative.

^^^^ THAT^^^^^ does not belong on TV geared for kids 6 and under.

I see your point, but I don't know where you get 6 from. Why not 5 or 7?

Their minds are not 'there ' yet in development.


The idea that a man can put his penis inside a girls body to a child is a form of hurting someone. Not loving someone. Not equal enjoyment..
They. dont. have. that . concept.

That. May. Only. Be. Because. We. Hide. From. Them. The. Information. That. Would. Give. Them. That. Concept.

The concept doesn't spring out of nowhere; they have to be taught at some point. If a four-year-old has never seen a cat he won't have any concept of a cat, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't teach him about cats or that his mind is too fragile to cope with cats.

Your conclusion may be correct, but this isn't a very good argument for it.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:01 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
There is a good deal of scientific info on how the way humans process the erotic changes with age.

Can you give us some references please? I won't have time to read them, but some names and dates would be reassuring.

At some ages certain erotic images are just as bad for the child as are violent images.


Experts would know what would be appropriate for Sesame Street,


but my guess is that it would not be much more than upper torso nudity

That's a very bad guess, or at least I hope it is. If it actually harms children to see ordinary human body parts, then something has gone terribly wrong with our culture.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:10 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
Most of the show is outside, with imaginary puppets, or in public stores ..or situations like that.

Maybe sesame street was just a horrible example.

The original question was about which shows might be improved by the addition of sex/nudity. My first thought was, "everything!" Then as a sort of joke I gave the answer of Sesame Street.

But here is my slightly (barely) more sophisticated answer... Sex or nudity on TV, on the street, in the park, up the wall, or anywhere, shouldn't be a big deal. Sex on TV should be like food or walking. I don't think Sesame Street is improved by the addition of food and walking, but I don't think there's any need to deliberately avoid having food or walking on the show. Same with sex and nudity. If Miss Piggy is feeling hot, she should get her nipples out. If Bert and Ernie are feeling randy, they should stop bickering and have some anal sex.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:12 pm
Are you Primotivo in disguise?
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:12 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
You just wanna see people having sex with puppets don'cha?

Yes, I think I do.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:39 pm

Can you give us some references please? I won't have time to read them, but some names and dates would be reassuring

there is this website called google.com where you can search for info. If you type "childhood sexual development" into the phrase box the second link today is http://www.ejhs.org/volume3/Haroian/body.htm

which says in part
Sexually permissive cultures not only allow a less fettered expression of adult sexuality, but may give little attention to the sexual behaviors of children as long as they are not blatantly displayed. Sexually supportive cultures, believing that sex is indispensable to human happiness, encourage early sexual expression as a means of developing adult sexual competency and positive sexual attitudes. The children in sexually permissive and sexually supportive societies display a similar developmental pattern that is not apparent in sexually restrictive and sexually repressive societies:

In infancy, there is usually manual and oral genital stimulation of children of both sexes by parents as a means of comforting and pacifying them (most frequently between mothers and sons).

In early childhood, masturbation alone and in groups, leads to exploration and experimentation among children of same and opposite gender.

Late childhood (prepubescent) is characterized by heterosexual role modeling and attempted intercourse (girls may begin having regular coitus with older boys).

In pubescence, girls rapidly accelerate into a phase of intense sexual experience, culminating in the acquisition of basic sexual techniques at the adult level. Boys follow a similar pattern, but their learning process is not as rapid or complete because they are usually experimenting with younger girls. Heterosexual patterns replace masturbation and homosexual activities for the majority of both boys and girls.

In adolescence, there is increased sexual activity with peers and adults for both boys and girls; and it is believed that birth control is facilitated by the practice of multiple partners. Marriage is common for late adolescent girls, but boys may delay marriage for economic considerations and continue their adolescent sex patterns for longer periods (Ford and Beach, 1951)

There are four stages of childhood and adolescence in which the focus of the body shifts between a primary and a secondary concern. The first stage is from birth to approximately 6 years of age. The physical body is primary; and sexual interests, curiosity, arousal and behavior are spontaneously expressed unless or until the child is taught to repress or inhibit her/his pleasure orientation.

The second stage is from approximately age 6 to pubescence (approximately age 12). The physical growth ratio slows, the basic gross and fine motor coordination is accomplished and reliable and the primary attention of the child shifts to the mental realm. The desire for sexual pleasure continues; however, most children are thoughtful and discriminating about their sexual
behavior and expressions. Their needs for privacy and autonomy characterize this stage.

The third stage is pubescence to early adolescence, and the age range is highly variable: approximately ages 13 to 15. As the hormones come into play, the body is once again primary, with rapid growth spurts, the development of secondary sex characteristics, sensations of increased intensity and a new awareness of the physical self and its impact on others in the social sense. Sexual behaviors respond to a stronger biological mandate, becoming a preoccupation which may be characterized by poor social judgment, high risk behavior and lack of discrimination.

The fourth stage is mid to late adolescence; and again, the age range is variable: approximately age 16+. The body growth rate slows,, the hormonal balance is achieved, the secondary sex changes are incorporated into the body image, the sexual response cycle is accommodated through masturbation or partner sex and sexual gratification is integrated into the context of a relationship.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 08:01 pm
Thanks for going to so much trouble to conduct your research on as many as 1 participants.

And so you are now speaking for a group of people?

Your research was conducted where?
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 08:05 pm
Specifically, I don't think there's any need to deliberately place certain programs late in the TV schedule purely because of their sexual content

So save up your money and get digital cable. There are probably twenty channels devoted to sex that run 24 hours a day.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 08:07 pm
What does sex and/or nudity have to do with crossing the street or understanding Dora The Explorer?

It has to do with emotional maturity and intelligence, two things you don't seem to know much about.
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Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 08:11 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
Laughing Laughing

You just wanna see people having sex with puppets don'cha?

shewolf, u caught me.

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Reply Mon 2 Jun, 2008 02:26 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Can you give us some references please? I won't have time to read them, but some names and dates would be reassuring

there is this website called google.com where you can search for info. If you type "childhood sexual development" into the phrase box the second link today is http://www.ejhs.org/volume3/Haroian/body.htm

As I said, I won't have time to read them.

The point was that you were supposed to have already done some research. You claimed that there was a load of evidence to support what you were saying, so I was wondering if you could give me the author names and dates of the studies/papers/books that you were citing, so that I could be sure that you weren't just saying that there was evidence to back you up.
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Reply Mon 2 Jun, 2008 02:52 am
boomerang wrote:
Thanks for going to so much trouble to conduct your research on as many as 1 participants.

And so you are now speaking for a group of people?

Your research was conducted where?

Forget research. The point I'm making is that it isn't enough to look at your own guilt-free sexual experiences and assume on that basis alone that we don't live in a culture where there are unecessary sexual taboos and various pressures to feel ashamed of our bodies and our sexual activity or lack thereof. I'm not literally asking you to do research, I just want you to be aware that the fact that you are quite sexually well-adjusted might be sheer luck. It's not out of the question that the rest of us would have been better off with a bit more ******* on Sesame Street.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:05 am Post subject:
Specifically, I don't think there's any need to deliberately place certain programs late in the TV schedule purely because of their sexual content

So save up your money and get digital cable. There are probably twenty channels devoted to sex that run 24 hours a day.

No. This isn't about me, it's about all people. We are wasting time censoring things that don't need to be censored, and in doing so we may also be depriving children of things which may benefit them.

boomerang wrote:
What does sex and/or nudity have to do with crossing the street or understanding Dora The Explorer?

It has to do with emotional maturity and intelligence...

That's a very vague response. What are you worried about, exactly? If children are too dumb to understand sex on TV, then what harm can it do to them?

And don't forget mere nudity. I'm not convinced that you need any level of intelligence or maturity to look at a nipple or a penis without harming yourself. You don't need emotional maturity or intelligence to look at an elbow or a toenail on TV, so why other body parts? What lies have we told our children about vaginas that are going to make them so terrified to see one on the TV?

I'm really making four claims, and you don't have to accept all of them:

1) There is no need to censor non-sexually-explicit nudity on TV, or to place it late in the schedule to prevent children from watching it.

2) There is no need to censor ordinary, non-violent sex acts on TV, or to place them late in the schedule to prevent children from watching them.

3) Children may benefit from seeing more non-sexually-explicit nudity on TV, and it might be worth incorporating it into programming aimed at children.

4) Children may benefit from seeing ordinary, non-violent sex acts on TV, and it might be worth incorporating them into programming aimed at children.
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 07:36 pm
My two cents = Holy crap, it's just a penis/boobies/crotch. Children know all about this already and it's just a self-fulfilling system of "obscenity" when we act like seeing tits/penis is offensive. Which isn't to say that random flasher guy can't be dealt with if he's crossing some lines of harassment Wink.

Think about it yourself: how many of you (hopefully few) think simply saying tits and penis touches on obscenity? If so, why? All of your family members and fellow members of society have them in various combinations, so it's not exactly a strange concept Wink.

Same for sex, although I can certainly understand keeping the violent stuff away from children. It's a fact of life and in my experience people really don't have huge issues with understanding the stuff - it's mostly the socially conservative *parents* who get uncomfortable.
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 07:38 pm
Could someone tell me, specifically, what is wrong about a 9-year-old watching Cinemax after 9 o'clock? How does such an experience compare to say... making them be Irish catholic w/ the guilt systems and horrific ideas (presented as reality) of hell? Or pick something else we often do which could really be seen as more "damaging", I don't want to make this into a religion thread.
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 07:46 pm
Shirakawasuna wrote:
It's a fact of life and in my experience people really don't have huge issues with understanding the stuff - it's mostly the socially conservative *parents* who get uncomfortable.

I think that at on time the cultural practices were dictated by the Church, and as we all know Christianity has over its entire history felt the need to not only be sexually repressive but militantly so.

Of course Church teachings are now almost meaningless, very few follow the morals and customs of Christianity. The sexual repression today is guided by the vast numbers of adults who uncomfortable with their bodies and thus with sex. This is an hang-over of sorts to Christianity, and will pass with in a few generations.
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 07:58 pm
Re: Sex/nudity on TV for Children
agrote wrote:
Is there any ethical reason whatsoever why sex, or at least full frontal nudity, should not appear on TV, completely uncensored, at any time of the day, available even for children to see?


boomerang wrote:
I'm pretty open minded but seriously, how does nudity advance the story line in any child appropriate story?

I don't know, because nobody was allowed to try yet. Let's find out!

boomerang wrote:
So name a movie or television show that involves sex that is appropriate for children.

Discovery Channel's "How it's made: Babies." No, they haven't shot it yet because the censors would ax it as age-inappropriate. But I see no reason why this couldn't be an interesting and informative episode -- child-appropriate, yet with full frontal nudity and even penetration.
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Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2008 01:49 am
It's very refreshing to hear that not everybody thinks that sex has some sort of magical power to corrupt children.
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