I'd have to go along with VV on that one.
So, you're not saying that every media outlet in the United States is owned by Jews--you're not saying that
now, although you made no such distinction in the past. And therefore, when you wrote:
DavidIg wrote:....also, people who lack the ability to think critically as proven by their rejection that Jews own and control the US mass media{a one minute google job}....naturally, those who think the Jews are totally innocent will assume I'm evil/bigoted and this will prohibit productive dialogue.
We were all supposed to know that you were temporizing, within your own head, and didn't mean that Jews own and control
all mass media in the United States.
You've provided no evidence to the effect that Jews own even a significant proportion of mass media in the United States. What have you given us so far--that Rupert Murdoch's mother's mother had some Jewish ancestry.
You're even more stupid that i had given you credit for, and that's saying a lot. So, even if Jews owned all of the mass media in the United States, how would that be evidence of any flaw in the system? Oh yeah . . . because all Jews are criminals. And we know that because?
David says so . . .
What a f*ckin' moron . . .