Phoenix32890 wrote:
I am curious as to why you were banned from Objectivist forums. I have experienced the dogmatism that sometimes goes along with the discovery of Objectivism. I am curious as to what was happening with you. I certainly won't hold it against you, and it might be a jumping off point for some interesting discussions between us.
Hi Phoenix.
In a nutshell, I was first banned for discussing the environment, then I was banned for accusing them of being neo-cons once I discovered that not only were they in favour of the immoral war in Iraq, but also wanted to invade Iran{with my tax money and someone else's blood}.
Just so you know, I'm a 40yr old white Australian atheist, and I'm no fan of backwards economies/political systems, but IMO, there was no justification for the war in Iraq, and even less for invading Iran.
My attitude is that Objectivist epistemology and metaphysics are no1....but obviously I have massive problems with the way the typical Objectivist thinks about politics{I'm also a Ron Paul fan}.
To me, reality is absolute, A=A, and ethics are objective.