Woman Indicted in MySpace Suicide Case

Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 12:12 pm
oh my...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 01:58 pm
TTH wrote:
I for one say it is time to hold individuals accountable for what they write on the internet.

I hope you feel that extends to what you write here, too, TTH.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2008 02:45 pm
As a matter of fact, I do Mame.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 09:14 am
aidan wrote:
The scariest part about it (to me) is that this woman had a child
herself...a daughter, in fact, of around the same age apparently.

I surmise that she was avenging her daughter, for some unknown perceived offense.
It has been my observation
that females can be and have been more fierce
than males in vengeance, ESPECIALLY against other females; thay seem to relish anti-female vindictiveness.

Beyond just human being to human being (in terms of gauging how to treat another person and how your treatment of that person might be received) she should have known (because she had a living, breathing one in her own house with her) how this might affect a young teenaged girl.

Hi, Rebecca; how 's everything ?

We know this to have been a shocking and despicable set of facts,
because we know how the story ended, but if I can play the Devil 's advocate here:
wud we feel the same way TO THE SAME EXTENT if Megan had just
brushed it off, and discontinued the cyber-relationship ?
How foreseeable was it that suicide wud result ?

Even if nothing like the girl's suicide had resulted -
it's also scary to me to think that there are people like this who are parents at all.

Remember that parenthood comes upon people unexpectedly
n accidentally, probably more ofen than not.

These are the kind of people providing an example and role model for our children
(and those kids do affect all of us who have to spend time with them every day ).

Do u believe that most parents consider themselves to be role models ?
or that thay choose among their options
upon the basis of influencing children 's future behavior ?
Is there evidence of that ?

And we wonder where children 'LEARN' cruelty.

I never wondered that.
I remember my first years of life,
including the children by whom I was surrounded.
Thay did not need LESSONS in cruelty; it was quite spontaneous.
I remember my own parents urging me to be more ez going;
advice that (at the time) I did not take seriously.

How sad - my heart goes out to this family.

Yes. Indeed.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 09:18 am
nimh wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:


I remember this case, I read up about it I was so shocked... how sick can you get. Despicable. Truly beyond words.

SO STIPULATED (if suicide was foreseeable).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 09:19 am
Amigo wrote:
I hope that bitches life is destroyed.

Which one ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 09:41 am
aidan wrote:

TTH- Blame for what is 50/50?

Nihm- I was talking about this with my students. And though they stated their belief that the girl who killed herself may have been annoying - she may even have been a bully herself, but for the adult woman to involve herself and start playing the same game that these kids play is pretty sad....
They said, 'She must not have much of a life if she has time to do stuff like this.'

That seems irrelevant to me.
Do thay choose to give her a more interesting life ?

Candor moves me to admit
that if I had a child, and if he fell victim to injustice,
I believe that I might well join him in taking an interest
in rectifying the situation. That 's a matter of loyalty.

( However, I must admit that driving someone to suicide
is unreasonably extreme, IF that is a foreseeable result. )

But I find it scary- in that these are the people (parents) who are supposed
to teach their kids how to act. And they don't seem to have much more sense than the children.'

Well, the world is full of different opinions, different points of vu;
Karl Marx, Hitler and the Kennedys did not agree with ME.


I also find it really sad that the young people I talked to about it were not surprised,
they were not appalled- in fact they were telling ME -
that's just the way the world is Miss. And then they said, 'It will never change.'

It sounds as if thay were attributing rose colored glasses to your vu
of the world; that u r unrealistic, in their vu.

I felt so sad to hear them say that.
I still believe we can change the world for the better...

U mean that u can change how people THINK ?
Change their emotions ?

but I think that's because I came up in a different time when I
saw good changes happening, and there was less hatred so blatantly evident-
and many fewer avenues through which it could be expressed - either openly or secretly and insidiously.

How is hatred expressed secretly ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 09:46 am
TTH wrote:
Okay aidan, I agree that "blame" might not have been the right word for me to use. Then change it to responsibility. I think the adult is 50% responsible and the girl who killed herself is 50% responsible.

btw why should only children be treated with caring and compassion.

What about adults treating other adults with caring and compassion.

In my opinion,
it is good is everyone treats everyone with caring and compassion,
on a spontaneous and voluntary basis.

It is fundamentally unAmerican, despotic and unconstitutional
for this to be required by law.

It is a private and personal decision.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2008 05:20 pm

aidan wrote:
The scariest part about it (to me) is that this woman had a child
herself...a daughter, in fact, of around the same age apparently.

I surmise that she was avenging her daughter, for some unknown perceived offense.
It has been my observation
that females can be and have been more fierce
than males in vengeance, ESPECIALLY against other females; thay seem to relish anti-female vindictiveness.

No comment Laughing

Hi, Rebecca; how 's everything ?

Good - winding up work and getting ready to travel a bit around seeing friends here before leaving for England in July.
I'm tired though - packing and stuff- mostly sorting out what I don't want because otherwise I'll pay to have packed and ship things like piles of old magazine. If you want your stuff to be insured - you have to let them pack it - and they come in and just pick up whatever's lying around and put it in boxes- so I need to get that organized. I have about another week before the packers come.
We know this to have been a shocking and despicable set of facts,
because we know how the story ended, but if I can play the Devil 's advocate here:
wud we feel the same way TO THE SAME EXTENT if Megan had just
brushed it off, and discontinued the cyber-relationship ?
How foreseeable was it that suicide wud result ?

Well that's what you never know when you're on the internet. I mean you could think you're talking to an adult and it may be a child. You might assume that everyone is as sane as you are (or at least as I am Laughing ) and in fact, they may be something else entirely.
I think it's always better to err on the side of safety - beside the fact that what fun is there in being cruel to someone you don't even know (much less someone you do know even if you don't particularly like them?)
I just don't get that part of it.

Even if nothing like the girl's suicide had resulted -
it's also scary to me to think that there are people like this who are parents at all.

Remember that parenthood comes upon people unexpectedly
n accidentally, probably more ofen than not.


These are the kind of people providing an example and role model for our children
(and those kids do affect all of us who have to spend time with them every day ).

Do u believe that most parents consider themselves to be role models ?
or that thay choose among their options
upon the basis of influencing children 's future behavior ?
Is there evidence of that ?

Not very much anymore maybe. I just use my parents as my example. They were/are just wonderful to me and to those around them. I've only ever heard my father talk bad about liberals and liberal politicians and my mother is a veritable saint. She lives to believe that people are good and kind. They were excellent role models for me - so when I became a mother, I knew how I wanted to be for my children.
I recognize other people didn't have those models, though. I don't know what the answer is.
It's hard to make people who are damaged whole enough to take care of themselves, much less children.

And we wonder where children 'LEARN' cruelty.

I never wondered that.
I remember my first years of life,
including the children by whom I was surrounded.
Thay did not need LESSONS in cruelty; it was quite spontaneous.
I remember my own parents urging me to be more ez going;
advice that (at the time) I did not take seriously.

I was never subjected to very much cruelty as a child. But I'm surprised at your parent's reaction. I can't stand to watch chidren being cruel to other children. Whenever I see it - I tell the one who is cruel to cut it the hell out - I never tell the child who others are being cruel to to 'buck up'. Why should they have to?

How sad - my heart goes out to this family.

Yes. Indeed.

How have you been? I was just thinking I hadn't seen you around and was hoping you were okay. It's been hard for me to post - I don't know why- the internet in terms of google and youtube has been fine - but a2k has been full of glitches for me the last few days.

Hope you are enjoying your summer. It's gorgeous here tonight - butterflies abounding - I don't think I've lived anywhere I've seen so many and honeysuckle and jasmine all in bloom. Peonies nodding into the grass everywhere- just beautiful.

I'll be in the city this weekend - but every minutes jam packed. I'm seeing some friend who are meeting me from Long Island for dinner - going to a concert and maybe a play - I'm trying to decide between Morgan Freeman in something called 'A Country Girl' and Lawrence Fishburne in Thurgood - about Thurgood Marshall. I like Morgan Freeman - but the Thurgood sounds more interesting to me.

But after I get back from NC around July 4th- I'll be around until July 23 staying at my parent's cabin on the border of NY/Vermont. I hope to come down to the city a couple of times. Maybe we can meet up for lunch or something.
Let me know.
Nice to hear from you David - wishing you well - Rebecca
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2008 09:20 pm
aidan wrote:

aidan wrote:

Hi, Rebecca; how 's everything ?

Good - winding up work and getting ready to travel a bit around seeing friends here before leaving for England in July.
I'm tired though - packing and stuff- mostly sorting out what I don't want because otherwise I'll pay to have packed and ship things like piles of old magazine. If you want your stuff to be insured - you have to let them pack it - and they come in and just pick up whatever's lying around and put it in boxes- so I need to get that organized. I have about another week before the packers come.

It can be tiring.

We know this to have been a shocking and despicable set of facts,
because we know how the story ended, but if I can play the Devil 's advocate here:
wud we feel the same way TO THE SAME EXTENT if Megan had just
brushed it off, and discontinued the cyber-relationship ?
How foreseeable was it that suicide wud result ?

Well that's what you never know when you're on the internet.
I mean you could think you're talking to an adult and it may be a child.
You might assume that everyone is as sane as you are (or at least as I am Laughing )
and in fact, they may be something else entirely.

Very true.

How have you been?

OK; tired; lacking in energy.

I was just thinking I hadn't seen you around and was hoping you were okay. It's been hard for me to post - I don't know why- the internet in terms of google and youtube has been fine - but a2k has been full of glitches for me the last few days.

I don 't know much about utube.

Hope you are enjoying your summer. It's gorgeous here tonight - butterflies abounding - I don't think I've lived anywhere I've seen so many and honeysuckle and jasmine all in bloom. Peonies nodding into the grass everywhere- just beautiful.

I'll be in the city this weekend - but every minutes jam packed. I'm seeing some friend who are meeting me from Long Island for dinner - going to a concert and maybe a play - I'm trying to decide between Morgan Freeman in something called 'A Country Girl' and Lawrence Fishburne in Thurgood - about Thurgood Marshall. I like Morgan Freeman - but the Thurgood sounds more interesting to me.

Last nite we had an OM SIG exploration
of the re-opened Palm Court in the Plaza Hotel.

I just got back tonite from the OM SIG being in 17 Barrow Street,
1 If By Land 2 If By Sea; I had Beef Wellington again.
The restaurant was lauded by the attending SIG Members.
Beautiful nite.
I 'll probably be out of the city this weekend to go upstate to see friends.

But after I get back from NC around July 4th- I'll be around until July 23 staying at my parent's cabin on the border of NY/Vermont. I hope to come down to the city a couple of times. Maybe we can meet up for lunch or something.
Let me know.

On July 2nd, I 'm flying to Denver for Mensa 's Annual Gathering, for about a week.

Call me or send me email.
We 'll go somewhere good.

Nice to hear from you David - wishing you well - Rebecca

Yes; u too, Rebecca.
Choose to be happy or happier.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2008 05:03 pm
Mo. Woman Pleads Not Guilty In Internet Suicide Case

A Missouri woman pleaded not guilty in Los Angeles federal court on Monday to charges stemming from an Internet hoax that allegedly led to a teenage girl's suicide.

Lori Drew pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy and accessing protected computers without authorization to get information used to inflict emotional distress.

Drew is accused of helping create a MySpace account and using it to send cruel messages to 13-year-old Megan Meier under the guise of being a 16-year-old boy. Meier, who lived in suburban Missouri, hanged herself in 2006, allegedly after receiving numerous cruel messages she thought were from the boy.

Drew's trial is scheduled for July 29. She is free on bond.

The charges were filed in California where MySpace is based.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:32 pm
Good thing they were able to track her. It's just so sad how adults act more childish and unreasonable when they should demonstrate maturity. I hope that justice will be served to the poor teen girl.
0 Replies

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