DrewDad wrote:
No, because I don't have a gun in the house. A gun is far more likely to injure my kids than an intruder is.
I've taken other measures to protect my family.
How is a gun that is not accessible to children more likely to injure them than a intruder that you don't know, and could be capable of anything?
You keep a gun in a place where a child cannot possibly get to it, but where you can.
A bottle of perscription drugs is likely to badly harm a child, and kill them. Yet, most people have some sort of perscription drug in their home.
Safety caps on pill bottles, safety locks on guns.
I'd guess every child has at some point seen mom or dad take a bottle from the medicine cabinet, take the pills out and swallow them. Then, they watch them put it back, so they know exactly where to find it when they think about it later.
If you own a gun, it's not necessary for the child to even know you have it, so will never think to go looking for it.
I don't care if an individual keeps or doesn't keep a gun in their home. However, if a child is injured by one, it's through the carelessness of the adults by leaving it in a place the child can get to it, or even knows it's there.
Garg asked how often that scenerio of an intruder happens. I have no idea......I will say though, that it happens much more often than people are attacked by sharks.
I've heard lots of people through the years say they are afraid of sharks.
I'm not, don't have the slighted bit of fear of sharks, or bengal tigers, or polar bears. I'm not ever going to be in a place where any of them can get at me.
I'm not scared of a gun kept in it's proper place either, since it can't jump up and shot me.
I am afraid of intruders though, because there is a much larger likelihood of me waking up with a stanger standing over me, than a manta ray.
The fear of an intruder in no way rules my life, but, yeah, I'd prefer to be prepared, not with an arsenal, but a pistol would be fine.