Setanta wrote:Chai wrote:DrewDad wrote:No, because I don't have a gun in the house. A gun is far more likely to injure my kids than an intruder is.
I've taken other measures to protect my family.
How is a gun that is not accessible to children more likely to injure them than a intruder that you don't know, and could be capable of anything?
You keep a gun in a place where a child cannot possibly get to it, but where you can.
How is a gun to which a child does not have ready access going to help with an intruder who is
"rushing at you," as you earlier posited,
or when awaking to find an intruder standing over you?
Some people wear their guns, habitually, all the time. This is an option.
I have known people who 've made a practice of sleeping with guns under their pillows.
(I do not employ that practice, but have a .44 revolver close at hand under a nite stand)
As to children,
it is a fact that on the day that a citizen is born,
he is not able to defend himself, under any circumstances, no matter what.
However, as time passes and he learns to walk and talk and to get some
sense of the world, in a few years, powers of self defense develop,
the same as his ability to read & to execute arithmetical operations,
or to swim. If he is of normal intelligence, it seems to me that for the
sake of the preservation of his life from predatory violence,
he shud be educated in proficient and safe handling of defensive firearms,
inasmuch as children have fallen victim to crime, sometimes getting killed.
If a person of any age is mentally and physically able to lift and use firearms,
he shud be at least be offered the opportunity to learn to defend his life.
The purpose of a citizen possessing a defensive firearm
is to enable him to control the situation, as well as possible,
if predatory violence falls upon him; in this circumstance,
the victim 's possession the necessary emergency equipment is a matter of life n death.
It is not enuf just to wail at the funeral that the bad guys,
or the animals,
shud have left him alone.
The Constitutional imperative of equal protection of the laws
requires that no citizen of any age
be prevented from
defending and preserving his life or property
from the violence of man or beast.
It is not acceptable
to say ( in effect ) to a child:
" YOU are
too young to defend your life.
If a criminal or an animal attacks
u must just surrender yourself to his desires for your property or your body,
and permit him to exercise
his discretion as to whether u will live or die;
( unless, of course u can run away fast enuf )
In my opinion,
it is not morally acceptable
to contribute to a citizen ( of any age ) being killed
by interfering with his inalienable, fundamental right to defend his life,
as long as u
mental abilities first, before u violate his natural rights.
Insulting his mind does not justify your rendering him helpless
and open to predatory violence.
It is not enuf to simply
PRETEND that children
have not been fatal victims of crime, and turn a blind eye to that.